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2016-02-20 23:11:32 -0600 answered a question svm java opencv 3

Can u send the complete code for svm in java

2015-12-24 04:06:59 -0600 answered a question opencv 3.0.0 java problem on windows

I also have the same problem while reading an image in netbeans web project. Here is the code , image = Imgcodecs.imread("C:\Users\softroniics\Documents\NetBeansProjects\ContentBasedPrivacy\web\image.jpg");

Showing error java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs.imread_1(Ljava/lang/String;)J. Can anybody help me. I am using windows 7 64bit and opencv3 in netbeans. Please its urgent.