2015-12-24 04:45:16 -0600 | commented question | When i open a image, why does it has a border? ...The channels is related to the second pram of imread() function |
2015-12-24 01:39:52 -0600 | commented question | When i open a image, why does it has a border? THanks.^_^ How to judge whether the image has an alpha channel? |
2015-12-24 00:55:10 -0600 | commented question | When i open a image, why does it has a border? @berak,and the value of IMERAD_ANYCOLOR can't be find ,though i konw the value is 4 |
2015-12-24 00:54:01 -0600 | commented question | When i open a image, why does it has a border? I tested that your said,but the result is the same |
2015-12-24 00:02:30 -0600 | asked a question | When i open a image, why does it has a border? ``` I can't understand this situration,Where is the problem? |