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2015-12-04 13:52:57 -0600 commented question Changing part of image doesnt effect orjinal image OpenCV 2.4.11 C++

Updated code

2015-12-04 13:52:37 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-12-04 13:06:17 -0600 asked a question Changing part of image doesnt effect orjinal image OpenCV 2.4.11 C++

Hey, I'm processing part of image but it changes orginal image weirdly.

Edit: Found the problem redFilter is returning copy of the image. I changed code create another mat and copy it to tile still dont work.

Here code that I'm using:

  Mat redFilter(const Mat& src, int x, int y, int z,int r, int g, int b)
        assert(src.type() == CV_8UC3);

        Mat redOnly;

        // Black and tones
        inRange(src, Scalar(x,y,z), Scalar(b,g,r), redOnly);

        return redOnly;
    namedWindow("Orginal", WINDOW_NORMAL );
    cv::imshow("Orginal", matTestingNumbers);        
    int N = 8;
    for (int c = 0; c < matTestingNumbers.cols; c += N)
        cv::Mat tile = matTestingNumbers(cv::Range(0, matTestingNumbers.rows),
                     cv::Range(c, min(c + N, matTestingNumbers.cols)));//no data copying here

                cv::cvtColor(tile, matGrayscale, CV_BGR2GRAY);
                //computes mean over roi
                cv::Scalar avgPixelIntensity = cv::mean( matGrayscale );
            //prints out only .val[0] since image was grayscale
                double deger = avgPixelIntensity.val[0];
                if(deger > 100)
                    ekle = +((int)deger-100)/2;
                    ekle = -((int)100-deger);

                tile = cv::Scalar::all(255) - tile;

                Mat tileExt = tile.clone();
                tileExt = redFilter(tileExt,fullData[ocrIndex].Rs, fullData[ocrIndex].Gs, fullData[ocrIndex].Bs, fullData[ocrIndex].Rf+ekle, fullData[ocrIndex].Gf+ekle, fullData[ocrIndex].Bf+ekle); // Convert all colors to black
// this part is the problem 
              inRange(tile, Scalar(fullData[ocrIndex].Rs, fullData[ocrIndex].Gs, fullData[ocrIndex].Bs), Scalar(fullData[ocrIndex].Bf+ekle,fullData[ocrIndex].Gf+ekle,fullData[ocrIndex].Rf+ekle), tile);

                tile = cv::Scalar::all(255) - tile;

        namedWindow(tostr(c), WINDOW_NORMAL );
        cv::imshow(tostr(c), tile);
    namedWindow("Cleared 1", WINDOW_NORMAL );
    cv::imshow("Cleared 1", matTestingNumbers);

Result: image description