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Richard Mohana's profile - activity

2016-08-11 11:01:44 -0600 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-06-14 22:35:33 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-06-14 22:35:33 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-10-30 09:17:49 -0600 commented question PvAPI-Python-Wrapper for Allied Vision Camera - not able to set parameters/execute commands

I want to grab and process the frames with OpenCV after that.

2015-10-30 08:57:46 -0600 asked a question PvAPI-Python-Wrapper for Allied Vision Camera - not able to set parameters/execute commands

Hi guys,

Since hours Iam trying to configure the AVT Manta G-504C Kamera. Therefor i used some wrapper like

py-avt-pvapi or py-avt-pvapi2

Whatever I do, I can't do some configurations like


Each of them causes in the following error message

Camera or attribute not found (ePvErrNotFound)

Iam not sure if it is necessary to set the 'AccessMode' for the camera to have Full (Write) Access

typedef enum { 
ePvAccessMonitor = 2, // Monitor access: no control, read & listen only
ePvAccessMaster = 4, // Master access: full control
__ePvAccess_force_32    = 0xFFFFFFFF
} tPvAccessFlags;

I even can't find out any default configuration. Everything works fine out of the AVT Vimba Viewer.

My steps in Python 3.2 are ...

PvCameraOpen()         # open the camera with the given handle

PvAttrEnumSet(handle, 'AcquisitionMode','Continuous')

# begin main loop to grab frames


I can read these values from the camera (UniqueIdentifier in brackets)

Camera: Manta_G-504C (5010103) FirmwareVersion:

I hope that somebody could help in that case. For now, Iam really stumped.


I used the following python function block as example commandRun()

def commandRun(self,handle,command):
    """Runs a particular command valid in the Camer and Drive Attributes"""
    result = self.dll.PvCommandRun(handle,command)
    if result != e.ePvErrSuccess:
        return result
2015-10-13 01:54:20 -0600 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2015-10-13 01:36:22 -0600 answered a question Building OpenCV with CMake 3.3.2 causes ffmpeg error

In my opinion it was an issue through our company network and proxyserver. So I downloaded the file manually from home and put it on my USB flash drive. In my case I downloaded the file from the following URL:

Best regards

2015-10-07 09:24:03 -0600 asked a question Building OpenCV with CMake 3.3.2 causes ffmpeg error

Hi guys,

Iam trying to build OpenCV with CMake.


While Downloading opencv_ffmpeg.dll through CMake, it causes an file DOWNLOAD HASH mismatch.

for file: [C:/opencv_source/3rdparty/ffmpeg/downloads/89c783eee1c47bfc733f08334ec2e31/opencv_ffmpeg.dll]

expected hash: [89c783eee1c47bfc733f08334ec2e31c]

actual hash: [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e]

status: [7;"Couldn't connect to server"]

Is there any solution to solve these issue?