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2013-11-04 15:51:15 -0600 asked a question Options when using OpenCV Feature Matching

I am trying to find different options in using the OpenCV feature matching.

I am using version 2.4.4.

I heard that there is a "templated" version for the brute force matching - and that i may be able to get different matching methods...

So far this is what i found - but i can't see how to use the templated version, other than passing the matching method in the constructor. Is that how it works ? are there any alternatives that i can explore ?

cv::BFMatcher matcher(use_hamming ? cv::NORM_HAMMING : cv::NORM_L2);
matcher.knnMatch(descriptors2, descriptors1, matches, 2);

Thank you

2013-02-05 16:20:45 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-02-05 16:05:56 -0600 asked a question How can I replace my calls to cvGetReal2D with cvmGet ?

How can I replace my calls to cvGetReal2D with cvmGet ?

I have functions like

bool someFunction(CvPoint2D32f location, IplImage &image)
  // code
  z = cvGetReal2D(image, location.y, location.x);
  // code

I am trying to replace cvGetReal2D with cvmGet because I read that it is faster - but I am a very beginner in OpenCV (I am modifying code written by other people).

Will I have to create an entire CvMat every time, for every single point ? In that case, since I can't change the fact that I am passing an IplImage... the change will make the code slower, right ?

CvMat* imageCopy = cvCreateMat(image.width, image.height, image.depth);

(I have seen also constants like CV_32FC1 - but I don't know how to choose)

Then, do I copy it ?

cvCopy(image, imageCopy);    // I hope this would copy the values

Will it work on multi-channel matrix ? Do I have to ask how many channels, and iterate on them ?

2013-02-05 10:38:16 -0600 answered a question Missing opencv_core243d.dll

Are you certain that the folder you added to the system path contains the required dll's ?

My easy setup: I have added a DLL folder in my C;\, and added to it every version of the opencv dll's (release and debug, win32 and x64); I have added a system environment variable pointing to that c:\DLL folder.

As for the errors in your comment, they seem to indicate missing lib... so check the Additional Dependencies, under Linker-> Input.

It may be easier (to change, to read...) if you place these dependencies in a property sheet as well.