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2019-07-17 01:47:42 -0600 asked a question I made spectral entropy code , but strange.

I made spectral entropy code , but strange. Hi, All. I have commited Spectral Entropy from Video File code using ofxOp

2019-07-17 01:38:52 -0600 asked a question I want to monitor this python process from openframeworks using C#

I want to monitor this python process from openframeworks using C# Hi, All. I have executed python process like this -

2015-08-13 00:29:18 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-08-11 01:18:47 -0600 commented question Subtracting FFT2(A) to FFT2(B) can make a just object image?

Because Background of A & B is little different ... So, Subtraction result is not satisfactory.

My intention is to improving the subtraction accuracy using 2D FT's shift-invariant ability.
Is that possible?

Thank you your answer ~

2015-08-05 23:19:48 -0600 asked a question Can I make subtract between two image using fourier transform ?

2D FFT of Complex Image, Z(x,y) =A(x,y) +i*B (x, y)

And Inverse FFT of it makes the merging of Image A() and Image B() in spatial domain.

And Then, is it possible to make subtraction, A() - B() using Complex Image?


2015-08-05 23:19:47 -0600 asked a question Subtracting FFT2(A) to FFT2(B) can make a just object image?

Image_A have an Object and Image_B have Ony Background which same as Image_A.

Subtracting FFT2(A) to FFT2(B) and inverse Can make a just object image?

Removing the background is possible with this method?

ex) C = ifft2(fft2(A) - fft2(B))

Thanks in advance ~