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2015-07-16 12:35:47 -0600 asked a question StereoRectify with a single moving camera


I am looking to make use of the stereoRectify function, but am unsure how I should calculate the rotation matrix R and translation vector T.

I know typically these come out in the wash if you use stereoCalibrate(). However in my situation, I only have a single camera which is moved. At each of the two points I take an image, I know the camera's position & orientation.

Any advice would be most welcome.

2015-06-10 04:21:55 -0600 asked a question DAISY & dense SIFT from Python


Is it yet possible to make use of the newly introduced DAISY descriptor from the Python interface to OpenCV 3.0? I do not see any obvious calls in the xfeatures2d submodule.

Also if I want to make use of dense SIFT, do I need to manually populate the KeyPoints into a regular grid, or is there an easier way. In older versions I used FeatureDetector_create("Dense"), but this no longer seems to be available

Many thanks,
