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2015-11-02 14:19:14 -0600 asked a question BOWTrainer 'blends' image features

I'm using the BOWTrainer class to cluster multiple segments of texture classes to create a texton dictionary and class models. For this i'm first using the .add method to add the 1d texture segments to the object then using the .cluster method to generate the cluster centres.

I'm having issues with classifier accuracy and wanted to confirm whether this class works by clustering the segments separately? I'm worried that if i'm adding textures with distinct lines,(like bricks), that these could loose their definition if they're clustered together?


2015-10-13 17:06:48 -0600 answered a question Problem with OpenCV calibration module

In case anyone is still not sure about this, there's a working example of a calibration setup here for the ar drone 2.0. The camera used is a wide angle lens and he uses 11 images to produce a rough calibration. As far as for the original three questions:

  1. i haven't found the <squaresize> to have any real effect it looks like this is likely just to document the calibration template used in the results xml.
  2. I've had this as well and have noticed that the input pictures can influence this significantly. Taking the images on a dark (used a black table), background seems to allow for the chessboard pattern to be recognised more consistently. Also keeping the centre of the board roughly in the centre of the image when imaging at different angles/rotations ect, seems to help to an extent as well, these are largely just from my experience however.
  3. I'm not sure why it works with a videostream(1) but not a saved video file, i've also had trouble with this.

Anyway hope this helps. I'll update this if i find anything else which is relevant.

2015-10-13 11:12:18 -0600 commented question Problem with OpenCV calibration module

did anyone find a solution to this, i'm having similar issues. I've been able to successfully calibrate a camera with mild distortion but when using the ar drones wide angle lens it throws the following error: OpenCV Error: Bad argument (Unknown array type) in cvarrToMat, file /home/james-tt/Dropbox/Term_2/Final_Project/OpenCv/opencv-2.4.9/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp, line 698 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /home/james-tt/Dropbox/Term_2/Final_Project/OpenCv/opencv-2.4.9/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:698: error: (-5) Unknown array type in function cvarrToMat

2015-09-12 05:31:43 -0600 commented answer Take frame after some millisecond

oh i've only worked with the c++ api, so cant help you there

2015-09-11 16:23:57 -0600 answered a question Take frame after some millisecond

Something like this will get you two images and save them to two matrixes then you can always pass them to functions from inside the loop for processing.

  VideoCapture stream(1);
    cout << "Video stream unable to be opened exiting.." << endl;

  Mat img1, img2;

  namedWindow("curImg", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

  int w_width = 200;
  int w_height = 75;
  int counter=0;
  int delay = 100; // delay in milliseconds

    cap >> img;
    Mat frame = Mat(w_height, w_width, CV_8UC3, Scalar(255,255,255));

    if(counter%2 ==0){

    imshow("curImg", frame);
2015-09-10 07:59:57 -0600 asked a question displaying histogram model space

i'm just writing up my dissertation which is based on bag of visual words classification and was looking to find a way to effectively visualise the separate model spaces and ideally how the interact and effect on interclass distance when new images/classes are added. To give you some details the models are histograms with approximately 100 bins and i have 8 classes so 8 dimensions?. Each 8 classes has between 8 and 40 models each comprising 10 cluster centers.

The first option was a density histogram, aggregating all of the histograms for each class and drawing trend curve, then displaying them together similar to this: image description

To me this looks clutered though and doesn't really show the interaction. So i though of again aggregating the bin counts and displaying them stacked on their own horiztonal line like this: image description

I think that could display the information with less clutter but was looking for something more descriptive. Like a 2d histogram of scatter plot as below:

image description

I'm not sure however how to represent it in this space or what the y axis would be. Does anyone know of anything like this or any other ways to represent a model feature space? Also is there anyway to do the required calculations outside of opencv like in libre office as that's where i'm going through the data.


2015-09-05 15:16:39 -0600 commented question Matching kmeans clusters generating non random sequence

Actually to rephrase what do you think is the best method to do a fitlerbank based bag of words as there has to be a method which doesn't require you to duplicate training images to increase you chances of a match

2015-09-05 13:14:17 -0600 commented question Matching kmeans clusters generating non random sequence

ah that makes sense!! hmm ok so is there anyway to remove this inaccuracy? outside of running test images or or model generation multiple times per image or just testing/adding one model at a time i cant think how to get around this?

2015-09-05 11:16:46 -0600 answered a question Matching kmeans clusters generating non random sequence

ah that makes sense!! hmm ok so is there anyway to remove this inaccuracy? outside of running test images or or model generation multiple times per image or just testing/adding one model at a time i cant think how to get around this?

2015-09-05 10:50:50 -0600 commented question Node iterator missing first value when importing xml

very good point, i had incorrectly written the printing function and it was starting from an incorrect position. Thank you for your help, my mistake

2015-09-05 09:43:18 -0600 commented question Matching kmeans clusters generating non random sequence

possibly, although i dont want to change too much at this stage if possible as hand in is within a couple of weeks. Do you think that could cause the sequence which it outputs? I know kmeans can have variations but the fact that the variations are the same each time seems to indicate that it's related to the number of iterations it runs, but i've reinitialised a new trainer each iteration. Do you think it's something to do with the iterations or the use of BOWTrainer?

2015-09-03 09:20:34 -0600 commented question Node iterator missing first value when importing xml

Hi yeah here's one of them

2015-09-03 06:30:29 -0600 asked a question Node iterator missing first value when importing xml

I'm currently saving a large map of histogram data to xml for use in a later part of my program. I've noticed that it is cutting off the first value when loading and instead adding an empty value at the end.

A basic example is:

Correct Model:

Incorrect Loaded Model:

The layout of my xml file below where i is a changing value:

    <m_i type_id="opencv-matrix">

My import function is below:

int getClassHist(map<string, vector<Mat> >& savedClassHist){
  int serial;
  // Load in Class Histograms(Models)
  FileStorage fs3("models.xml", FileStorage::READ);
  fs3["Serial"] >> serial;
  cout << "This is the serial: " << serial << endl;
  FileNode fn = fs3["classes"];
  if(fn.type() == FileNode::MAP){

    // Create iterator to go through all the classes
    for(FileNodeIterator it = fn.begin();it != fn.end();it++){
      string clsNme = (string)(*it)["Name"];

      // Create node of current Class
      FileNode clss = (*it)["Models"];
      // Iterate through each model inside class, saving to map
      for(FileNodeIterator it1  = clss.begin();it1 != clss.end();it1++){
        FileNode k = *it1;
        Mat tmp;
        k >> tmp;
    ERR("Class file was not map.");
  return serial;

It seems like an iterator problem so would be likely be in the it1 loop which is skipping the first value but i'm not sure why.??

2015-09-02 13:00:38 -0600 commented question Matching kmeans clusters generating non random sequence

is that for keypoint based approach, my implementation needs to use the MR8 filterbank, effectively recreating this

With that method you call it three times to generate the textons then for both models and the novel image which are the same method except the model is a known class.

2015-09-02 10:12:48 -0600 commented question Matching kmeans clusters generating non random sequence

Yes absolutely texton and model generation happen and are saved seperately to xml files. There is variation in the models generated from the same image, (i've put this down in part to kmeans variation), but as it's stored that shouldn't affect the clustering.

The main reason i found this bug was because when i changed the number of training images the results for the images changed(even if the ones i added were duplicates). I noticed this only happened to ones which were loaded after the duplicates.

I generated a new instance of BOWTrainer for every new image to confirm it wasn't something carried over and the models stay the same so have run out of idea's of where to look.. This is the repo, the testing module is novelImgTest.cpp

2015-09-02 08:17:50 -0600 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2015-09-02 08:17:50 -0600 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2015-09-02 05:45:24 -0600 asked a question Matching kmeans clusters generating non random sequence

I've been creating a bag of words based texture classifier using gaussian filterbanks. I've recently found a fairly fundamental flaw in that after i collect and save a set of 'model' histograms from training images, if i then generate another histogram from from one of the training images using an identical procedure and use compareHist with chisquared to match it doesn't give a perfect match but instead a set of seemingly random distances which reoccur exactly if it's the process is repeated from new.

I've done this in a loop (generating a histogram and matching to a save histogram of the same image), and example of the distances comparehist throws back is below.


I cant understand why the distance:

  • isn't zero
  • but also is identical each time i repeat it

I'm using the bag of words trainer to generate the clusters with KMEANS_PP_CENTERS being used to calculate the initial centres. Then comparing those clusters with chisquared.

Is this something which could be due to my code or from the clustering?

Thank you in advance this has been driving me crazy and my dissertation is due in a week and a half so stressful..

Note this is partial repost from my other post here but that's mainly because i need an answer pretty quick because it's holding up my project. Thanks

Below is a basic example of the kmeans variation i'm talking about, although not my specific problem:

TermCriteria Tc(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER + TermCriteria::EPS, 1000, 0.0001);

float histArr[] = {0,255};
const float* hist= {histArr};
int histSize[] = {10};
int channels[] = {0};
Mat ou1;
namedWindow("testWin", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
vector<Mat> compareMe;
for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
 BOWKMeansTrainer tstTrain(30, Tc, 5, Flags);
 Mat img1 = imread("../lena.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
 imshow("testWin", img1);
 // filterHandle(img1, imgOut, filterbank, n_sigmas, n_orientations);
 cout << "This is the size.." << img1.rows << " cols: " << img1.cols << endl;
 Mat imgFlat = reshapeCol(img1);
 cout << "This is the size.." << imgFlat.rows << " cols: " << imgFlat.cols << endl;
 Mat clusters = Mat::zeros(10,1, CV_32FC1);
 clusters = tstTrain.cluster();
 calcHist(&clusters, 1, channels, Mat(), ou1, 1, histSize, &histArr, true, false);
 cout << "This is the tstTrain.size(): " << tstTrain.descripotorsCount() << endl;
double value =  compareHist(compareMe[0], compareMe[1], CV_COMP_CHISQR);
cout << "This is the Chisqr comparison.." << value << endl;

Below is the resize function:

Mat reshapeCol(Mat in){
  Mat points(in.rows*in.cols, 1,CV_32F);
  int cnt = 0;
  cout << "inside. These are the rows: " <<  in.rows << " and cols: " << in.cols  << endl;
  for(int i =0;i<in.cols;i++){
    for(int j=0;j<in.rows;j++){<float>(cnt, 0) =<Vec3b>(i,j)[0];
  return points;

This is my github, my specific problem is both the variation when i generate models ... (more)

2015-09-02 05:31:06 -0600 answered a question Is it possible to create distinct Histogram bins from array

for anyone looking at this, the solution i ultimately used, was just to use the non uniform bins input in the calcHist function. First i looked through and matched the input values to the nearest stored value.

    void textonFind(Mat& clus, Mat dictionary){
      if(clus.empty() || dictionary.empty()){
        ERR("Texton Find inputs were empty.");
      // Loop through input centers
      for(int h=0;h<clus.rows;h++){
        float distance = 0.0, nearest = 0.0;

        distance = abs(<float>(0,0) -<float>(h,0));
        nearest =<float>(0,0);

        // Compare current centre with all values in texton dictionary
        for(int k = 0; k < dictionary.rows; k++){
          if(abs(<float>(k,0) -<float>(h,0)) < distance){
            nearest =<float>(k,0);
            distance = abs(<float>(k,0) -<float>(h,0));
        // Replace input Center with closest Texton Center<float>(h,0) = nearest;

Then to generate the bin ranges i looped through the original values i wanted to match the new values to and simply added 0.00001 this acted as the upper exclusion limit putting any values which were above this in the next bin, as i knew all the possible values i didn't need to find the nearest as that was already done.

    // Create bins for each textonDictionary Value
    void binLimits(vector<float>& tex){
      dicDEBUG("inside binLimits", 0);
      vector<float> bins;
      for(int i = 0;i <= tex.size()-1;i++){
          bins.push_back(tex[i] + 0.00001);
      for(int i=0;i<bins.size();i++)
        cout << "texDict: " << i << ": "<< tex[i] << " becomes: " << bins[i+1] << endl;
      tex = bins;

The above code isn't necessarily pretty but it works in case anyone has a similar problem.

2015-08-18 15:14:24 -0600 commented answer Comparing KMeans centers for the best match

Hi, yeah i'll be happy to do that when i get some more time, it's for my masters thesis so am rushing to finish it by september.

2015-08-15 12:13:44 -0600 answered a question Comparing KMeans centers for the best match

For anyone looking for an answer or hints on this or specifically about being able to cluster multiple images easily, the way i found was using parts of the Bag of Words classes in the c++ api for opencv.


specifically will allow you to push back as multiple Mat images easily and and then generate a set of cluster centers using:


Definitely better than messing around trying to cluster them with the traditional kmeans function.

I haven't yet found a good solution to matching the cluster centres with the the generated vocabulary yet, as the other BOW opencv classes as far as i can tell wont work when using filterbanks. So i'll update it when i find something, otherwise you can check my current implementation on github:

2015-08-13 09:08:40 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2015-07-24 11:01:00 -0600 commented question Is it possible to create distinct Histogram bins from array

yeah i think something like that but being able to assign a collection of values to their nearest value in a seperate array.

Is that possible with the mask parameter in normalize is?

2015-07-24 08:47:12 -0600 asked a question Is it possible to create distinct Histogram bins from array

Hi i'm currently trying to match a large set of values with a template array. I was looking to just display any of the values which perfectly matched the array in a frequency histogram.

I've tried this so far with the cv:calcHist function using non-uniform bins and an input array roughly dividing the values into bins but was hoping there was a better way.

Such as where you can designate the upper and lower bounds for all the bins as opposed to just the first bin, is this possible? or are there any other methods, outside of prefiltering values as the template values will likely change and taking care of this in a single histogram function would make things easier.

Thanks in advance.

2015-07-24 08:37:08 -0600 commented answer How to create a histogram from a table of values?

not sure if this was what you were asking about with the bins but you can specify whether to have either uniform of custom bins, as a flag in the cv::calcHist method. Then you just input a float array with the lowest inclusive value(will be included), then all of the top exclusive boundaries of your bins(so that bin will not include values from that value).

i.e: float exampleArray[] = {0, 100, 256};

So this will have two bins, the first from 0-99 and the second from 100-255.

Also remember to input the correct number of bins and the non-uniform flag in the cv::calcHist method.

Hope this helps you or others with similar problems.

2015-07-24 08:30:16 -0600 commented answer k mean clustering of hsv histogram of frames of a video

Hi the code im currently writing is doing something similar to this, should be done in 2 weeks in case you find it useful. Also i know it's messy ect.. will optimise it when i have everything working..

2015-07-18 11:33:06 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2015-07-15 08:27:20 -0600 commented question Comparing KMeans centers for the best match

thanks berak, yeah i meant to clean it up, although haven't found a good debugger for atom yet.

-Interesting about kmeans, can i create a single set of clusters from several images, the pseudo code above give me an error about the matrix not being continuous. would a continuous matrix of several images give the same centers as if i blended the same images together and ran it through kmeans?

-Also the key point, is there a way to find the nearest cluster centre for an image from a previous set of cluster centres?

2015-07-14 15:32:53 -0600 asked a question Comparing KMeans centers for the best match

I'm working on implementing the VZ classifier (, and am having problems creating the models.

The first stage is to cluster a large number of filter responses to generate a texton dictionary, where every texton is a kmeans cluster center.

Then i need to get filter responses from a test image then get a single kmeans cluster center from each response, marking what is the closest texton(archived cluster center) to the new center.

Then i'll display or store a histogram showing which textons were used and how frequently from the training images filter responses.

From what i've read labels seem promising, although i dont know i could input the whole texton database and work out which best fitted image.

Below is small bit of code i was using to try feeding the centers from one kmeans into the labels for a second kmeans on the same image. I was hoping that this could compare the cluster centers and show they're the same. (seemed logical at the time, have been stuck on this for a while..).

include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
include "stdio.h"
include "string"
include "iostream"
include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"

using namespace cv; using namespace std;

Mat kmeansFunc(Mat samples, Mat labels, int clusterCount) { // KMeans parameters int attempts = 5; Mat centers= Mat::zeros(2,2,CV_32F); // Apply KMeans kmeans(samples, clusterCount, labels, TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 10000, 0.0001), attempts, KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS, centers); return centers; }

Mat createSamples(Mat src, Mat labels, int clusterCount) { // Create sampleMat, same size as input image Mat samples(src.rows * src.cols, 1, CV_32F); // Copy across input image for (int y = 0; y < src.rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; x++) {<float>(y, x) =<float>(y, x); } } Mat labels1 = Mat::eye(samples.rows,samples.cols,CV_32S);

// Put combined Mat through kmeans return kmeansFunc(samples, labels1, clusterCount); }

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

/------------------------- Load Image ---------------------------/ Mat img;

if(argc !=2) { cout << "img path name not found. Exiting." << endl; return -1; }

cout << "importing File: " << argv[1] << endl; // Read in image Mat in = imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); // Equalise image equalizeHist(in, img); waitKey();

/--------------------- Cluster image --------------------------/ Mat labels, floatImg;

// Convert input image to a float img.convertTo(floatImg, CV_32F);

Mat centers3 = createSamples(floatImg, labels, 4); cout << "This is the cluster centers of the first kmeans: " << endl <<<float>(0) << endl; cout << "And the full cluster: " << endl << centers3 << endl; waitKey(); Mat centers1 = Mat::eye(floatImg.rows,floatImg.cols,CV_32S);


Mat centers2 = createSamples(floatImg, centers1, 5); cout << "This is the cluster centers of the second kmeans: " << endl <<<float>(0) << endl; cout << "And the full cluster: " << endl << centers3 << endl;

//Mat centers3 = createSamples(floatImg, labels);

// FileStorage fs("clusterCenters.xml", FileStorage::WRITE); // fs << "clusters" << centers3; // fs.release(); // cout << "finished saving clusteres. Exiting." << endl;

return 0; }

Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!

2015-07-08 12:18:04 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-07-08 12:16:24 -0600 asked a question how to identify excess includes

I'm working on a relatively large piece of filterbank code and have managed to amass a large collection of headers many of which were for code which is no longer in the project.

Is there any way or method outside of just trial and error to identify which ones are actually being used so i can speed up compilation? Also would just help to make the code a bit leaner.

Thanks in advance! Albert

Edit: i'm using atom 1.0.0 in case there are any good packages or snippets

2015-07-06 03:31:48 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2015-07-05 16:16:06 -0600 asked a question tutorial site down??

Hi i was just trying to do some tutorials tonight and haven't been able to get onto the opencv tutorials area ( Has anyone else had this problem?

As far as i can tell the connection just times out, i've tried changing dns's though and have checked on ( and it's saying it's down.

Hope it's something small, is a really useful area!


2015-06-09 10:06:01 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-06-07 17:19:23 -0600 commented question Create MR8 filterbank with open cv

thanks for the fast replies, I've more fully defined my question as:

  • What is the best method to create a bar/edge filter, i'm currently using the a gabor kernel(getGaborKernel -> filter2D). Is this the best way?
  • If not then should is there any documentation on creating a bar/edge filter kernel described in

Thanks again for the help!

Also @Guanta, thank you for the link, sadly i'm a C programmer at heart so i dont have python experience and haven't found any repo's for C++ code yet

2015-06-04 11:51:16 -0600 asked a question Create MR8 filterbank with open cv


I've been looking to implement the MR8 filterbank from

with open cv but am still relatively new to it and haven't been able to find many details on how you create the edge or bar filters mentioned.

I've gone through the computer vision tutorials on the open cv site but their 'filter 2d' method only allows for odd inputs not the odd and even dimensions required for the bar and edge MR8 filters especially. Is there a different method which is able to handle these or do i need to look at creating these filters another way?

Any help would be really appreciated!