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2015-12-01 19:19:54 -0600 asked a question What is the sampling method used by cv2.SIFT.detect?


I'm new to OpenCV and SIFT algorithm. I'm using the python version of the library. I know that I can create lots of KeyPoint objects manually and send them to the cv2.SIFT.compute method to get their SIFT descriptors. Although, OpenCV offers another method (cv2.SIFT.detect) to automatically detect a set of KeyPoint objects, given an image.

My question is: what is the sampling method adopted by the cv2.SIFT.detect method?

Additionally: where in the literature can I find a detailed description of such method?

Best regards!

2015-05-04 21:17:58 -0600 commented question What is the meaning of a keypoint color ploted by cv2.drawKeypoints?

Thanks for the answers!

2015-05-04 00:53:35 -0600 asked a question What is the meaning of a keypoint color ploted by cv2.drawKeypoints?


I'm using SIFT/SURF algorithms and the function cv2.drawKeypoints() to plot keypoints over the image. My question is: is there any meaning in the colors of the keypoints?

Here goes one example: http://opencv-python-tutroals.readthe...

Thanks in advance!