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2015-05-03 14:14:05 -0600 commented question requires also?

I could confirm this is due to a another library which looks for opencv_java245.... This question can be closed.

2015-05-03 13:48:52 -0600 commented question requires also?

I could resolve ibdc1394 error: Failed to initialize libdc1394.

But wrong opencv version issue continued , seems it's due to another library we use specifically looks for opencv opencv_java245 , willl do some more research and update the thread

2015-05-03 13:34:07 -0600 commented question requires also?

Found an additional error together with java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no opencv_java245 in java.library.path

libdc1394 error: Failed to initialize libdc1394

2015-05-03 13:12:17 -0600 commented question requires also?

No older installations found, also there is no direct reference to opencv specific versions in the application code....

2015-05-03 01:49:56 -0600 asked a question requires also?

I am trying to deploy an opencv java application with opencv 2.49, I have build the and opencv-249.jar in the Ubuntu server and these are available in the class path when the application starts.

But it's throwing a exception saying libopencv_java245 no found, so initially I was under a impression that it's referring to a wrong opencv version. so to verify this I have removed the from class path and then it was complaining that libopencv_java249 not available.

As an additional testing I also renamed to then it was saying again that opencv_java249 not found.

With this I guess we can confirm that it looks for the right version of opencv (that is libopencv_java249) but in addition to that it aslo requires libopencv_java245 also. Is my assumption is correct, it would be really helpful if someone can guide me.

2015-04-26 03:30:25 -0600 commented question Building

Thanks,looks I have manage to build directly executing right command in the java source dir

2015-04-26 01:23:57 -0600 asked a question Building

Hi All,

I have been trying to deploy a opencv application on unbuntu server, i have already installed opencv on server, But getting the error java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no opencv_java246 in java.library.path when trying run the application.

I can understand I am suppose to add to the path so that the application can pick this (while doing the dev in windows i was using the opencv_java246.dll bundled in the opencv distribution). But I am not sure where can I find the or how to build it in ubuntu...

Can anyone please guide me in this regard?