2015-03-06 11:35:32 -0600 | received badge | ● Supporter (source) |
2015-03-06 08:11:09 -0600 | asked a question | Eliminating false positives while using the matchTemplate() function? The matchTemplate() function in opencv seems to giving positives even when the desired Template is not there in the Scene image.On searching,found out that it always gives a detection/match even if the template is not there.The detection being the closest match. Since my application requires that the template not necessarily be in the scene image. This brings me to my question. Is there a way to minimize or even eliminate these false positives.Any approach towards this problem is appreciated. |
2014-10-23 05:03:39 -0600 | asked a question | Detecting an incoming bus in opencv? i want to detect an incoming bus(only specific 2 or 3 buses) and i just want to retrieve that frame if detected and use it for further processing. here as the incoming bus has to be detected(distance will matter) i am confused should i use classifiers like Haar or any other detectors based on SURF which i have come across. Will training a classifier be feasible for my purpose or using other methods for detection? |