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2015-09-02 22:02:56 -0600 commented question Where can find the illustration for detectSingleScale function
2015-09-02 09:32:52 -0600 commented question Where can find the illustration for detectSingleScale function

I add a picture, but I was told it has to wait until tomorrow

2015-09-02 08:57:10 -0600 commented question Where can find the illustration for detectSingleScale function

@StevenPuttemans, To get the feature value, but I don;t know what relationship betweent it and harr features? harr feature value is got from sum(white-black), but integral image is only a distributon funcon of gray

2015-09-02 08:26:19 -0600 commented question Where can find the illustration for detectSingleScale function

I find no suitable tag except this one. well, object detection maybe more suitable. detectSingleScale is invoked by detectMultiScale function.

2015-09-02 07:31:20 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-09-02 07:25:51 -0600 asked a question Where can find the illustration for detectSingleScale function
Suppose there is image of 200x200, and the detecting window is 20x20, which is equal to trained sample. What is detecting procedure to detect the face in the image?

the features are determinded by harr in the lib, but why do we use integral image as feature matching in detecting? This function is in detectMultiScale,

for( double factor = 1;; factor * = scaleFactor)//detect under each size
    SizeoriginalWindowSize =getOriginalWindowSize();//minWndsize
    SizescaledImageSize( cvRound(grayImage.cols/factor ), cvRound ( grayImage.rows/factor ) );//change image size
    SizeprocessingRectSize(scaledImageSize.width -originalWindowSize.width + 1,scaledImageSize.height -originalWindowSize.height + 1 );//slide distance

    if( !**detectSingleScale**( scaledImage, stripCount, processingRectSize, stripSize,yStep,factor,candidates,rejectLevels,levelWeights,outputRejectLevels) )//invoke detectSingleScale
2015-09-02 07:25:17 -0600 commented answer Why shall we install CMake for building Lib?

thank you very much

2015-09-02 07:22:32 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2012-11-27 07:14:00 -0600 answered a question Why shall we install CMake for building Lib?

â– CMake is a neat tool to make the project files (for your choosen IDE) from the OpenCV source files

and IDE can also make project files, can't it? what different is this cmake from IDE?

2012-11-23 07:25:44 -0600 answered a question integrating opencv and opengl

First, Im out of door to the issue. However, I don't think you need intigrate the two different software. The best bet may be add your information you complete with the cv on the message macro which deal with keyboard or mouse.

2012-11-23 05:49:10 -0600 commented question Why shall we install CMake for building Lib?

and at there is a sample like this

include <cv.h>

include <highgui.h>

using namespace cv;

int main( int argc, char** argv ) { Mat image; image = imread( argv[1], 1 );

if( argc != 2 || ! ) { printf( "No image data \n" ); return -1; } namedWindow( "Display Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); imshow( "Display Image", image );


return 0; } Why don't we use vc studio build and make excutable file directly? can we?

2012-11-23 05:39:16 -0600 asked a question Why shall we install CMake for building Lib?

Title Building the lib at show us at second article that install CMake after we have IDE(VS studio) already had in our computer. I wonder shall I use vc studio build opencv lib instead of software cmake? What different is vc studio builder inside from cmake?