2014-10-25 02:54:29 -0600 | answered a question | gpu::matchTemplate versus cvMatchTemplate Does anyone have any idea? Is there a malloc allocation inside the library that drains time? Thanks. |
2014-10-20 09:50:25 -0600 | commented question | gpu::matchTemplate versus cvMatchTemplate Yes the time is 1 ms for loading the images (they are uncompressed already and i measured on the ".upload" function). The problem is that the same function on the CPU is faster. Is there any FFT performed, or is it used a different algorithm? Is there a way to change the source code? |
2014-10-19 17:22:17 -0600 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2014-10-19 16:52:55 -0600 | asked a question | gpu::matchTemplate versus cvMatchTemplate I've implemented a software for searching a pattern inside an image. With cvMatchTemplate the execution time is around 10ms (because I'm taking a pattern of 40x40 in a search window of 120x160 pixels. The image is 640x480 so I'm not considering the whole image). I've implemented the same algorithm by using the gpu::MatchTemplate, and I was expecting improvements for the execution time. It is taking 220ms to compute the score. (The method is CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED). What is happening? Thanks. |