2019-12-09 08:12:22 -0600 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2018-12-02 06:41:46 -0600 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2017-07-25 10:29:36 -0600 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2016-12-24 09:15:39 -0600 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2016-11-15 09:49:20 -0600 | received badge | ● Nice Question (source) |
2016-03-31 23:48:09 -0600 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2016-02-19 16:53:53 -0600 | answered a question | How do I load an OpenCV generated yaml file in python? I ended up following this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28..., though I only needed to skip the first line, the rest of my yamls are not opencv data types, just strings and numbers and dicts and lists. |
2016-02-19 16:42:16 -0600 | commented answer | How do I load an OpenCV generated yaml file in python? It's more than just an array, it is a bunch of key value pairs. cv2.cv.Load on my yamls produce |
2016-02-17 16:42:39 -0600 | answered a question | camera_calibration.cpp fisheye calibration aborted Setting I also discovered I needed to bootstrap the calibration using the intrinsic guess in order to get that reprojection error down to something reasonable. |
2016-02-17 12:36:32 -0600 | asked a question | camera_calibration.cpp fisheye calibration aborted I'm trying out fisheye calibration with This is using the latest source, I could try going back to a release though I'll have to track down when the useFisheye logic was added to camera_calibration.cpp. I'll run this through a debugger as well. |
2014-04-07 18:09:43 -0600 | answered a question | findCirclesGrid frequently finds edges of circles rather than centers Oops this is the result of applying cornerSubPix to circle grid results... |
2014-04-07 17:40:16 -0600 | asked a question | findCirclesGrid frequently finds edges of circles rather than centers The original file: The results of findCirclesGrid with a width of 5, height of 9, and cv::CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID: Should it be doing this poorly (2.4.6)? I'm going to experiment with adaptive thresholding or some other preprocessing to see if it can improve the results. |
2014-04-03 16:46:05 -0600 | asked a question | How do I load an OpenCV generated yaml file in python? It appears that OpenCV is writing yaml 1.0 but PyYaml only wants to read yaml 1.1 (http://pyyaml.org/#Whatimplementationshouldyouuse and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12058510/xml-or-yml-parsing-in-opencv-with-python). Do I just need a script to reformat the yaml so it doesn't generate errors like I've tried cv2.cv.load(filename) but it generates and error about not finding xml tags (opencv 2.4.6 and whatever python-opencv bindings are provided in Ubuntu 13.10). |
2014-02-12 15:10:34 -0600 | commented answer | How to find the intersection point of two lines It would be good to use std::abs or fabs or the epsilon check will fail if not using namespace std. |
2013-01-15 13:09:53 -0600 | asked a question | Per pixel labeling in distanceTransform? It would be really convenient if this function worked like and then within a double for loop on y and x But instead the label is dependent on the non-zero pixels in the mask input (the label only increments when pixels are zero), so I have to manually build up a mapping between labels and pixel coordinates to find out where the labeled pixels actually are- or is there an easier way? I'd take this to the dev zone but code.opencv.org appears to be down. In my somewhat old git version of opencv disttransform.cpp: |
2013-01-15 12:50:35 -0600 | received badge | ● Scholar (source) |
2012-11-28 18:28:23 -0600 | received badge | ● Supporter (source) |
2012-11-28 18:27:09 -0600 | asked a question | Is calling morphologyEx() with with MORPH_ERODE the same as erode()? And correspondingly does calling it with MORPH_DILATE the same as dilate()? |
2012-10-18 20:52:45 -0600 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2012-09-05 14:04:40 -0600 | received badge | ● Teacher (source) |
2012-09-05 13:33:21 -0600 | received badge | ● Self-Learner (source) |
2012-09-05 12:44:38 -0600 | answered a question | What is the easiest way to display a cv::Mat in a decoration free full-screen window? Here is a decoration free fullscreen (which I overlooked before) which doesn't quite answer my question but may be suitable for now: cv::setWindowProperty("mywindow", WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, CV_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); This always fullscreens on the monitor that has the menus on it in a multi monitor setup which is not ideal- I want the fullscreen output to be on a screen that is uncluttered by menus because the point of it is to be a presentation output. Changing the which monitor has the menus is a matter of dragging the menu in the Ubuntu System Settings | System Tools | Displays dialog. |
2012-09-01 04:43:46 -0600 | received badge | ● Student (source) |
2012-08-31 14:15:03 -0600 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2012-08-31 14:13:54 -0600 | asked a question | What is the easiest way to display a cv::Mat in a decoration free full-screen window? Being able to remove window decoration (the bar with the minimize/maximize buttons and name, and any window border) from a highgui namedWindow would be ideal, but that doesn't seem possible. I'm currently considering using SDL which I think SDL_NOFRAME and SDL_SetVideoMode() solves my problem, but I'm curious if there is a faster or easier way. I don't want it to be too difficult to convert the cv::Mat to the new format, and it should also be high performance (low-latency and 10s of fps framerate). This is using Linux and X windows, and the latest 2.4 OpenCV with Qt and OpenGL built in, so making X, Qt, or OpenGL calls would be acceptable. |