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Calculate 3D position from stereo Images

Hi, I have two images taken with a stereo-camera setup (calibrated). I detect markers in both images using the aruco contrib module. How can I calculate the 3D position of the markers edges from the two 2D positions? I found tutorials on how to calculate the depth map, but I do not need the map of the whole image, but just the corners of the markers.

Calculate 3D position from stereo Images

Hi, I have two images taken with a stereo-camera setup (calibrated). I detect markers in both images using the aruco contrib module. How can I calculate the 3D position of the markers edges from the two 2D positions? I found tutorials on how to calculate the depth map, but I do not need the map of the whole image, but just the corners of the markers. markers.

This is a sample plot of the values I get with triangulatePoints on the calibration checkerboard.

image description