So I'm working on an implementation of OpenCV's ORB keypoint algorithm (not the descriptors, just keypoints). My implmentation produces key points VERY close to the original, but something's a bit off and I'm trying to find the problem. One thing that always puzzled me about the OpenCV implementation of the ORB algorithm is that as it is pre-computing the image pyramid, it feels to need to use the "copyMakeBorder" function to relect a mirror image of the border of the image around each level of the pyramid.
// Pre-compute the scale pyramids
for (level = 0; level < nLevels; ++level)
Rect linfo = layerInfo[level];
Size sz(linfo.width, linfo.height);
Size wholeSize(sz.width + border*2, sz.height + border*2);
Rect wholeLinfo = Rect(linfo.x - border, linfo.y - border, wholeSize.width, wholeSize.height);
Mat extImg = imagePyramid(wholeLinfo), extMask;
Mat currImg = extImg(Rect(border, border, sz.width, sz.height)), currMask;
if( !mask.empty() )
extMask = maskPyramid(wholeLinfo);
currMask = extMask(Rect(border, border, sz.width, sz.height));
// Compute the resized image
if( level != firstLevel )
resize(prevImg, currImg, sz, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);
if( !mask.empty() )
resize(prevMask, currMask, sz, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);
if( level > firstLevel )
threshold(currMask, currMask, 254, 0, THRESH_TOZERO);
copyMakeBorder(currImg, extImg, border, border, border, border,
if (!mask.empty())
copyMakeBorder(currMask, extMask, border, border, border, border,
copyMakeBorder(image, extImg, border, border, border, border,
if( !mask.empty() )
copyMakeBorder(mask, extMask, border, border, border, border,
prevImg = currImg;
prevMask = currMask;
Does this reflected border serve any purpose in terms of generating key points? I've studied the key point section carefully and as far as I can tell, it never gets used. Can I skip that part and save some CPU cycles?
(P.S.: If you're wondering, my implementation is going to be optimized for use on video key frames. In other words, I can calculate most of the buffers once per video since the resolution between frames remains the same. I can also play with background subtraction to restrict the mask to focus only on moving objects.)