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Tracking multiple deformable objects using OpenCV

Hello Community,

I am new in OpenCV and in tracking topic. I have a lot of experience in computer vision, but in the area of industrial applications. My current task is more a research topic from the neuroscience. The task is to track mice in the cage. The mice are active during the night, so we use IR lightning and we get gray-scaled images.There are normally from 2-5 animals in the cage at the same time. There are several problems in mice tracking:

    • The animals have any remarkable texture.
  • The animals are very similar to eachother.
  • Mice are very deformable.
  • Mice move unpredictable and can suddenly change their moving directions.

  • The animals are often occluded, because they interact with eachother, or desappear from the scene, because they are hidden by other animals in the cage.

I have following questions:

  • Which algorithm is most suetable for such a tracking task?
  • I have only one model definded and want to track all presented obejcts in the video. Is ist possible?

I would very appreciate your help and thank you in advance!

Best regards,
