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How to rectify points, stereo camera calibration

Hi guys,

I'm looking for the proper function that I can use to rectify my points, and either I cannot understand the documentation or perhaps there is no such function that I'm looking for. I will try to shortly describe you my program. The goal is to find X, Y and Z coordinates of little green balls that I'm taking the photos of. In order to do so, I use two cameras. First I made 15 chessboard photos to perform camera calibration. I do it for each camera using calibrateCamera() function. Then I undistort images with green balls using undistort(). Once that is done, I find the x and y coordinates of the green balls position on the image (coordinates in pixels). What I want to do next is to rectify those points to get canonical geometry. I'd like to rectify just points, not the whole images. As far as I know, what I need is essential and fundamental matrix. I get them by using the stereoCalibrate() function, where I pass my chessboard corners that I've already found before. So here I'm at the point that I have my 2d coordinates from both camera images, and I also have essential and fundamental matrix. And absolutely no idea what to do next to rectify those points. I use this documentation. Not everything is clear there for me, but I can't see anything close to rectifypoints there.
