My english very bad, for this reason I'll be brief. (Может кто-то тут понимает по русски?) Code:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc < 2) return -1;
cv::Mat image = cv::imread(argv[1]);
if ( == nullptr) return -1;
cv::VideoCapture cap(cv::CAP_ANY);
if (!cap.isOpened()) return -2;
cv::Ptr<cv::ORB> detector = cv::ORB::create(400);
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keysImg, keysFrame;
cv::Mat discImg, discFrame;
detector->detectAndCompute(image, cv::Mat(), keysImg, discImg);
cv::BFMatcher matcher;
std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches;
cv::Mat frame;
cv::Mat finaly;
detector->detectAndCompute(frame, cv::Mat(), keysFrame, discFrame);
// std::cout<<discImg.cols<<" "<<discFrame.cols<<" "<<(discImg.cols == discFrame.cols)<<std::endl;
matcher.match(discImg, discFrame, matches);
double minDist = 100;
for (size_t i = 0; i < discImg.rows; ++i)
if (matches[i].distance < minDist) minDist = matches[i].distance;
std::vector<cv::DMatch> goodMatches;
for (size_t i = 0; i < discImg.rows; ++i)
if (matches[i].distance < 3 * minDist) goodMatches.push_back(matches[i]);
cv::drawMatches(image, keysImg, frame, keysFrame, goodMatches, finaly);
cv::imshow("Matches", finaly);
if (cv::waitKey(33) != -1) break;
return 0;
About 50% it works. In other cases:
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (type == src2.type() && src1.cols == src2.cols && (type == CV_32F || type == CV_8U)) in batchDistance, file D:\My_my_documents\opencv\sources\modules\core\src\stat.cpp, line 3749
The error occurs in line:
matcher.match(discImg, discFrame, matches);
when discFrame.cols == 0
Why discFrame.cols == 0
sometimes after detector->detectAndCompute(frame, cv::Mat(), keysFrame, discFrame);?