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Clicking on a point in an image finds the closest contour points

Let say I click on a point inside wanted3 shape/contour (see second image). I would use OpenCV 2 and/or 3

image description

I want the closest contour recognized, that encompasses the pressed point with a mouse left click within it. There can however be a larger encompassing contour (not shown here; think of it as a county encompassing cities/places), and I just want the closest one recognized.

image description

Clicking on a point in an image finds the closest contour points

Let say I click on a point inside wanted3 shape/contour (see second image). I would use OpenCV 2 and/or 3

image description

I want the closest contour recognized, that encompasses the pressed point with a mouse left click within it. There can however be a larger encompassing contour (not shown here; think of it as a county encompassing cities/places), and I just want the closest one recognized.

image description

Clicking on a point in an image finds the closest contour points

Let say I click on a point inside wanted3 shape/contour (see second image). I would use OpenCV 2 and/or 3

One Note. The lines denoting shapes can be one or more pixel wide. I would like the recognized points to lay exactly in the middle of that line, so when I do another recognition of surrounding shape I will get an exact point for that shared line recognized in 2 contours

image description

I want the closest contour recognized, that encompasses the pressed point with a mouse left click within it. There can however be a larger encompassing contour (not shown here; think of it as a county encompassing cities/places), and I just want the closest one recognized.

image descriptionimage description

Whan I press inside wanted2 shape I want South-East border to have exactly the same discoverer contour points as wanted3 no matter how thick the bordering line is (so some calculation of where the middle point is necessaryl Thanks Rad

Clicking on a point in an image finds the closest contour points

Update: As suggested. I added my current code that detects all boundaries of each shape (not desired) with another problem that these boundary lines can be a few pixels wide and form inside and outside countour to be recognized

Let say I click on a point inside wanted3 shape/contour (see second image). I would use OpenCV 2 and/or 3

One Note. The lines denoting shapes can be one or more pixel wide. I would like the recognized points to lay exactly in the middle of that line, so when I do another recognition of surrounding shape I will get an exact point for that shared line recognized in 2 contours

image description

I want the closest contour recognized, that encompasses the pressed point with a mouse left click within it. There can however be a larger encompassing contour (not shown here; think of it as a county encompassing cities/places), and I just want the closest one recognized.

image description

Whan I press inside wanted2 shape I want South-East border to have exactly the same discoverer contour points as wanted3 no matter how thick the bordering line is (so some calculation of where the middle point is necessaryl Thanks Rad

    Sub ProcessImageAndUpdateGUI(sender As Object, arg As EventArgs)
        If (rdoImageFile.Checked = True) Then                                                                       'if the image file radio button is chosen . . .
                imgOriginal = New Image(Of Bgr, Byte)(txtFile.Text)                                     'get original image from file name in text box
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        ElseIf (rdoWebcam.Checked = True) Then                                                                  'else if the webcam radio button is chosen . . .
                imgOriginal = capWebcam.QueryFrame()                                                                    'get next frame from webcam
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
            'should never get here
        End If

        If (imgOriginal Is Nothing) Then                                        'if imgOriginal is null
            Return                                                                                  'bail
        End If
        'perform image smoothing
        imgSmoothed = imgOriginal.PyrDown().PyrUp()                                     'Gaussian pyramid decomposition
        imgSmoothed._SmoothGaussian(3)                                                              'Gaussian smooth, argument is size of filter window

        If (ckFilterOnColor.Checked = True) Then                                                                'if filter on color check box is checked, then filter on color
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgSmoothed.InRange(New Bgr(dblMinBlue, dblMinGreen, dblMinRed), New Bgr(dblMaxBlue, dblMaxGreen, dblMaxRed))
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgGrayColorFiltered.PyrDown().PyrUp()                       'repeat smoothing process after InRange function call,
            imgGrayColorFiltered._SmoothGaussian(3)                                                                 'seems to work out better this way
        ElseIf (ckFilterOnColor.Checked = False) Then                                                   'if filter on color is not checked,
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgSmoothed.Convert(Of Gray, Byte)()                 'then convert to gray without filtering
        End If

        'Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(160)                                 'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        'Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(200)                                 'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(240)                                  'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        Dim grayCircleAccumThreshold As Gray = New Gray(100)                        'second Canny threshold for circle detection, higher number = more selective
        Dim grayThreshLinking As Gray = New Gray(80)                                        'second Canny threshold for line / triangle / rectangle detection

        'imgCanny = imgGrayColorFiltered.Canny(grayCannyThreshold, grayThreshLinking)                   'Canny image used for line, triangle, rectangle, and polygon detection  
        imgCanny = imgGrayColorFiltered.ThresholdBinary(grayCannyThreshold, New Gray(255))

        imgCircles = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                                                        'create blank image, use for circles later
        imgLines = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                                                          'create blank image, use for lines later
        imgTrisRectsPolys = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                         'create blank image, use for triangles and rectangles later
        'HoughCircles arguments
        Dim dblAccumRes As Double = 2.0                                                                                         'resulution of the accumulator used to detect centers of circles
        Dim dblMinDistBetweenCircles As Double = imgGrayColorFiltered.Height / 4        'min distance between centers of detected circles
        Dim intMinRadius As Integer = 10                                                                                        'min radius of circles to search for
        Dim intMaxRadius As Integer = 400                                                                                       'max radius of circles to search for
        'find circles
        Dim circles As CircleF() = imgGrayColorFiltered.HoughCircles(grayCannyThreshold, grayCircleAccumThreshold, dblAccumRes, dblMinDistBetweenCircles, intMinRadius, intMaxRadius)(0)

        For Each circle As CircleF In circles
            imgCircles.Draw(circle, New Bgr(Color.Red), 2)                      'draw circles on circles image
            If (ckDrawCirclesOnOriginalImage.Checked = True) Then           'if check box is checked
                imgOriginal.Draw(circle, New Bgr(Color.Red), 2)                 'then also draw circles on original image
            End If
        'HoughLinesBinary arguments
        Dim dblRhoRes As Double = 1.0                                                       'distance resolution in pixels
        Dim dblThetaRes As Double = 4.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0)         'angle resolution in radians (multiply by PI / 180 converts to radians)
        Dim intThreshold As Integer = 20                                                'a line is returned by the function if the corresponding accumulator value is greater than threshold
        Dim dblMinLineWidth As Double = 30.0                                        'minimum width of a line
        Dim dblMinGapBetweenLines As Double = 10.0                          'minimum gap between lines
        'find lines
        Dim lines() As LineSegment2D = imgCanny.HoughLinesBinary(dblRhoRes, dblThetaRes, intThreshold, dblMinLineWidth, dblMinGapBetweenLines)(0)

        For Each line As LineSegment2D In lines
            imgLines.Draw(line, New Bgr(Color.DarkGreen), 2)                            'draw lines on lines image
            If (ckDrawLinesOnOriginalImage.Checked = True) Then                             'if check box is checked
                imgOriginal.Draw(line, New Bgr(Color.DarkGreen), 2)                 'then also draw lines on original image
            End If

        Dim lstTriangles As List(Of Triangle2DF) = New List(Of Triangle2DF)()                               'declare list of triangles
        Dim lstRectangles As List(Of MCvBox2D) = New List(Of MCvBox2D)()                                        'declare list of "rectangles"
        Dim lstPolygons As List(Of Contour(Of Point)) = New List(Of Contour(Of Point))          'declare list of polygons

        Dim i1 = 0 Mod 2 '0
        Dim i2 = 1 Mod 2 '1
        Dim i3 = 2 Mod 2 '0
        Dim i4 = 3 Mod 2 '1
        Dim i5 = 4 Mod 2 '0

        'Dim contours As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours()                                                    'find a sequence (similar to a linked list) of contours using the simple approximation method

        Dim i = 0
        Using storage As New MemStorage
            Dim contours1 As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_TREE, storage)
            Dim contours As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours()
            While contours IsNot Nothing ' And CvInvoke.cvCheckContourConvexity(contours) = 0
                Dim currentContour As Contour(Of Point) = contours.ApproxPoly(contours.Perimeter * 0.0015, storage) ' 0.0015 za Kragujevac1.jpg - 76 points
                If currentContour.BoundingRectangle.Width > 20 Then
                    'CvInvoke.cvDrawContours(color, contours, New MCvScalar(255), New MCvScalar(255), -1, 2, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.LINE_TYPE.EIGHT_CONNECTED, New Point(0, 0))
                    'color.Draw(currentContour.BoundingRectangle, New Bgr(0, 255, 0), 1)
                End If

                For Each point As Point In currentContour.ToArray()

                    'if i Mod 2 = 1 then
                    imgCanny.Draw(New Rectangle(point.X, point.Y, 4, 4), New Gray(100), 0)
                    'end if

                i += 1

                contours = contours.HNext
            End While
        End Using

Clicking on a point in an image finds the closest contour points

Update: As suggested. I added my current code that detects all boundaries of each shape (not desired) with another problem that these boundary lines can be a few pixels wide and form inside and outside countour to be recognized

Let say I click on a point inside wanted3 shape/contour (see second image). I would use OpenCV 2 and/or 3

One Note. The lines denoting shapes can be one or more pixel wide. I would like the recognized points to lay exactly in the middle of that line, so when I do another recognition of surrounding shape I will get an exact point for that shared line recognized in 2 contours

image description

I want the closest contour recognized, that encompasses the pressed point with a mouse left click within it. There can however be a larger encompassing contour (not shown here; think of it as a county encompassing cities/places), and I just want the closest one recognized.

image description

Whan I press inside wanted2 shape I want South-East border to have exactly the same discoverer contour points as wanted3 no matter how thick the bordering line is (so some calculation of where the middle point is necessaryl Thanks Rad

    Sub ProcessImageAndUpdateGUI(sender As Object, arg As EventArgs)
        If (rdoImageFile.Checked = True) Then                                                                       'if the image file radio button is chosen . . .
                imgOriginal = New Image(Of Bgr, Byte)(txtFile.Text)                                     'get original image from file name in text box
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        ElseIf (rdoWebcam.Checked = True) Then                                                                  'else if the webcam radio button is chosen . . .
                imgOriginal = capWebcam.QueryFrame()                                                                    'get next frame from webcam
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
            'should never get here
        End If

        If (imgOriginal Is Nothing) Then                                        'if imgOriginal is null
            Return                                                                                  'bail
        End If
        'perform image smoothing
        imgSmoothed = imgOriginal.PyrDown().PyrUp()                                     'Gaussian pyramid decomposition
        imgSmoothed._SmoothGaussian(3)                                                              'Gaussian smooth, argument is size of filter window

        If (ckFilterOnColor.Checked = True) Then                                                                'if filter on color check box is checked, then filter on color
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgSmoothed.InRange(New Bgr(dblMinBlue, dblMinGreen, dblMinRed), New Bgr(dblMaxBlue, dblMaxGreen, dblMaxRed))
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgGrayColorFiltered.PyrDown().PyrUp()                       'repeat smoothing process after InRange function call,
            imgGrayColorFiltered._SmoothGaussian(3)                                                                 'seems to work out better this way
        ElseIf (ckFilterOnColor.Checked = False) Then                                                   'if filter on color is not checked,
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgSmoothed.Convert(Of Gray, Byte)()                 'then convert to gray without filtering
        End If

        'Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(160)                                 'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        'Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(200)                                 'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(240)                                  'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        Dim grayCircleAccumThreshold As Gray = New Gray(100)                        'second Canny threshold for circle detection, higher number = more selective
        Dim grayThreshLinking As Gray = New Gray(80)                                        'second Canny threshold for line / triangle / rectangle detection

        'imgCanny = imgGrayColorFiltered.Canny(grayCannyThreshold, grayThreshLinking)                   'Canny image used for line, triangle, rectangle, and polygon detection  
        imgCanny = imgGrayColorFiltered.ThresholdBinary(grayCannyThreshold, New Gray(255))

        imgCircles = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                                                        'create blank image, use for circles later
        imgLines = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                                                          'create blank image, use for lines later
        imgTrisRectsPolys = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                         'create blank image, use for triangles and rectangles later
        'HoughCircles arguments
        Dim dblAccumRes As Double = 2.0                                                                                         'resulution of the accumulator used to detect centers of circles
        Dim dblMinDistBetweenCircles As Double = imgGrayColorFiltered.Height / 4        'min distance between centers of detected circles
        Dim intMinRadius As Integer = 10                                                                                        'min radius of circles to search for
        Dim intMaxRadius As Integer = 400                                                                                       'max radius of circles to search for
        'find circles
        Dim circles As CircleF() = imgGrayColorFiltered.HoughCircles(grayCannyThreshold, grayCircleAccumThreshold, dblAccumRes, dblMinDistBetweenCircles, intMinRadius, intMaxRadius)(0)

        For Each circle As CircleF In circles
            imgCircles.Draw(circle, New Bgr(Color.Red), 2)                      'draw circles on circles image
            If (ckDrawCirclesOnOriginalImage.Checked = True) Then           'if check box is checked
                imgOriginal.Draw(circle, New Bgr(Color.Red), 2)                 'then also draw circles on original image
            End If
        'HoughLinesBinary arguments
        Dim dblRhoRes As Double = 1.0                                                       'distance resolution in pixels
        Dim dblThetaRes As Double = 4.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0)         'angle resolution in radians (multiply by PI / 180 converts to radians)
        Dim intThreshold As Integer = 20                                                'a line is returned by the function if the corresponding accumulator value is greater than threshold
        Dim dblMinLineWidth As Double = 30.0                                        'minimum width of a line
        Dim dblMinGapBetweenLines As Double = 10.0                          'minimum gap between lines
        'find lines
        Dim lines() As LineSegment2D = imgCanny.HoughLinesBinary(dblRhoRes, dblThetaRes, intThreshold, dblMinLineWidth, dblMinGapBetweenLines)(0)

        For Each line As LineSegment2D In lines
            imgLines.Draw(line, New Bgr(Color.DarkGreen), 2)                            'draw lines on lines image
            If (ckDrawLinesOnOriginalImage.Checked = True) Then                             'if check box is checked
                imgOriginal.Draw(line, New Bgr(Color.DarkGreen), 2)                 'then also draw lines on original image
            End If

        Dim lstTriangles As List(Of Triangle2DF) = New List(Of Triangle2DF)()                               'declare list of triangles
        Dim lstRectangles As List(Of MCvBox2D) = New List(Of MCvBox2D)()                                        'declare list of "rectangles"
        Dim lstPolygons As List(Of Contour(Of Point)) = New List(Of Contour(Of Point))          'declare list of polygons

        Dim i1 = 0 Mod 2 '0
        Dim i2 = 1 Mod 2 '1
        Dim i3 = 2 Mod 2 '0
        Dim i4 = 3 Mod 2 '1
        Dim i5 = 4 Mod 2 '0

        'Dim contours As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours()                                                    'find a sequence (similar to a linked list) of contours using the simple approximation method

        Dim i = 0
        Using storage As New MemStorage
            Dim contours1 As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_TREE, storage)
            Dim contours As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours()
            While contours IsNot Nothing ' And CvInvoke.cvCheckContourConvexity(contours) = 0
                Dim currentContour As Contour(Of Point) = contours.ApproxPoly(contours.Perimeter * 0.0015, storage) ' 0.0015 za Kragujevac1.jpg - 76 points
                If currentContour.BoundingRectangle.Width > 20 Then
                    'CvInvoke.cvDrawContours(color, contours, New MCvScalar(255), New MCvScalar(255), -1, 2, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.LINE_TYPE.EIGHT_CONNECTED, New Point(0, 0))
                    'color.Draw(currentContour.BoundingRectangle, New Bgr(0, 255, 0), 1)
                End If

                For Each point As Point In currentContour.ToArray()

                    'if i Mod 2 = 1 then
                    imgCanny.Draw(New Rectangle(point.X, point.Y, 4, 4), New Gray(100), 0)
                    'end if

                i += 1

                contours = contours.HNext
            End While
        End Using

Clicking on a point in an image finds the closest contour points

Update: As suggested. I added my current code that detects all boundaries of each shape (not desired) with another problem that these boundary lines can be a few pixels wide and form inside and outside countour to be recognized

Let say I click on a point inside wanted3 shape/contour (see second image). I would use OpenCV 2 and/or 3

One Note. The lines denoting shapes can be one or more pixel wide. I would like the recognized points to lay exactly in the middle of that line, so when I do another recognition of surrounding shape I will get an exact point for that shared line recognized in 2 contours

image description

I want the closest contour recognized, that encompasses the pressed point with a mouse left click within it. There can however be a larger encompassing contour (not shown here; think of it as a county encompassing cities/places), and I just want the closest one recognized.

image description

Whan I press inside wanted2 shape I want South-East border to have exactly the same discoverer contour points as wanted3 no matter how thick the bordering line is (so some calculation of where the middle point is necessaryl Thanks Rad

    Sub ProcessImageAndUpdateGUI(sender As Object, arg As EventArgs)
        If (rdoImageFile.Checked = True) Then                                                                       'if the image file radio button is chosen . . .
                imgOriginal = New Image(Of Bgr, Byte)(txtFile.Text)                                     'get original image from file name in text box
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        ElseIf (rdoWebcam.Checked = True) Then                                                                  'else if the webcam radio button is chosen . . .
                imgOriginal = capWebcam.QueryFrame()                                                                    'get next frame from webcam
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
            'should never get here
        End If

        If (imgOriginal Is Nothing) Then                                        'if imgOriginal is null
            Return                                                                                  'bail
        End If
        'perform image smoothing
        imgSmoothed = imgOriginal.PyrDown().PyrUp()                                     'Gaussian pyramid decomposition
        imgSmoothed._SmoothGaussian(3)                                                              'Gaussian smooth, argument is size of filter window

        If (ckFilterOnColor.Checked = True) Then                                                                'if filter on color check box is checked, then filter on color
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgSmoothed.InRange(New Bgr(dblMinBlue, dblMinGreen, dblMinRed), New Bgr(dblMaxBlue, dblMaxGreen, dblMaxRed))
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgGrayColorFiltered.PyrDown().PyrUp()                       'repeat smoothing process after InRange function call,
            imgGrayColorFiltered._SmoothGaussian(3)                                                                 'seems to work out better this way
        ElseIf (ckFilterOnColor.Checked = False) Then                                                   'if filter on color is not checked,
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgSmoothed.Convert(Of Gray, Byte)()                 'then convert to gray without filtering
        End If

        'Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(160)                                 'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        'Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(200)                                 'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(240)                                  'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        Dim grayCircleAccumThreshold As Gray = New Gray(100)                        'second Canny threshold for circle detection, higher number = more selective
        Dim grayThreshLinking As Gray = New Gray(80)                                        'second Canny threshold for line / triangle / rectangle detection

        'imgCanny = imgGrayColorFiltered.Canny(grayCannyThreshold, grayThreshLinking)                   'Canny image used for line, triangle, rectangle, and polygon detection  
        imgCanny = imgGrayColorFiltered.ThresholdBinary(grayCannyThreshold, New Gray(255))

        imgCircles = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                                                        'create blank image, use for circles later
        imgLines = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                                                          'create blank image, use for lines later
        imgTrisRectsPolys = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                         'create blank image, use for triangles and rectangles later
        'HoughCircles arguments
        Dim dblAccumRes As Double = 2.0                                                                                         'resulution of the accumulator used to detect centers of circles
        Dim dblMinDistBetweenCircles As Double = imgGrayColorFiltered.Height / 4        'min distance between centers of detected circles
        Dim intMinRadius As Integer = 10                                                                                        'min radius of circles to search for
        Dim intMaxRadius As Integer = 400                                                                                       'max radius of circles to search for
        'find circles
        Dim circles As CircleF() = imgGrayColorFiltered.HoughCircles(grayCannyThreshold, grayCircleAccumThreshold, dblAccumRes, dblMinDistBetweenCircles, intMinRadius, intMaxRadius)(0)

        For Each circle As CircleF In circles
            imgCircles.Draw(circle, New Bgr(Color.Red), 2)                      'draw circles on circles image
            If (ckDrawCirclesOnOriginalImage.Checked = True) Then           'if check box is checked
                imgOriginal.Draw(circle, New Bgr(Color.Red), 2)                 'then also draw circles on original image
            End If
        'HoughLinesBinary arguments
        Dim dblRhoRes As Double = 1.0                                                       'distance resolution in pixels
        Dim dblThetaRes As Double = 4.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0)         'angle resolution in radians (multiply by PI / 180 converts to radians)
        Dim intThreshold As Integer = 20                                                'a line is returned by the function if the corresponding accumulator value is greater than threshold
        Dim dblMinLineWidth As Double = 30.0                                        'minimum width of a line
        Dim dblMinGapBetweenLines As Double = 10.0                          'minimum gap between lines
        'find lines
        Dim lines() As LineSegment2D = imgCanny.HoughLinesBinary(dblRhoRes, dblThetaRes, intThreshold, dblMinLineWidth, dblMinGapBetweenLines)(0)

        For Each line As LineSegment2D In lines
            imgLines.Draw(line, New Bgr(Color.DarkGreen), 2)                            'draw lines on lines image
            If (ckDrawLinesOnOriginalImage.Checked = True) Then                             'if check box is checked
                imgOriginal.Draw(line, New Bgr(Color.DarkGreen), 2)                 'then also draw lines on original image
            End If

        Dim lstTriangles As List(Of Triangle2DF) = New List(Of Triangle2DF)()                               'declare list of triangles
        Dim lstRectangles As List(Of MCvBox2D) = New List(Of MCvBox2D)()                                        'declare list of "rectangles"
        Dim lstPolygons As List(Of Contour(Of Point)) = New List(Of Contour(Of Point))          'declare list of polygons

        Dim i1 = 0 Mod 2 '0
        Dim i2 = 1 Mod 2 '1
        Dim i3 = 2 Mod 2 '0
        Dim i4 = 3 Mod 2 '1
        Dim i5 = 4 Mod 2 '0

        'Dim contours As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours()                                                    'find a sequence (similar to a linked list) of contours using the simple approximation method

        Dim i = 0
        Using storage As New MemStorage
            Dim contours1 As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_TREE, storage)
            Dim contours As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours()
            While contours IsNot Nothing ' And CvInvoke.cvCheckContourConvexity(contours) = 0
                Dim currentContour As Contour(Of Point) = contours.ApproxPoly(contours.Perimeter * 0.0015, storage) ' 0.0015 za Kragujevac1.jpg - 76 points
                If currentContour.BoundingRectangle.Width > 20 Then
                    'CvInvoke.cvDrawContours(color, contours, New MCvScalar(255), New MCvScalar(255), -1, 2, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.LINE_TYPE.EIGHT_CONNECTED, New Point(0, 0))
                    'color.Draw(currentContour.BoundingRectangle, New Bgr(0, 255, 0), 1)
                End If

                For Each point As Point In currentContour.ToArray()

                    'if i Mod 2 = 1 then
                    imgCanny.Draw(New Rectangle(point.X, point.Y, 4, 4), New Gray(100), 0)
                    'end if

                i += 1

                contours = contours.HNext
            End While
        End Using

Clicking on a point in an image finds the closest contour points

Update: As suggested. I added my current code that detects all boundaries of each shape (not desired) with another problem that these boundary lines can be a few pixels wide and form inside and outside countour to be recognized

Let say I click on a point inside wanted3 shape/contour (see second image). I would use OpenCV 2 and/or 3

One Note. The lines denoting shapes can be one or more pixel wide. I would like the recognized points to lay exactly in the middle of that line, so when I do another recognition of surrounding shape I will get an exact point for that shared line recognized in 2 contours

image description

I want the closest contour recognized, that encompasses the pressed point with a mouse left click within it. There can however be a larger encompassing contour (not shown here; think of it as a county encompassing cities/places), and I just want the closest one recognized.

image description

Whan I press inside wanted2 shape I want South-East border to have exactly the same discoverer contour points as wanted3 no matter how thick the bordering line is (so some calculation of where the middle point is necessaryl Thanks Rad

    Sub ProcessImageAndUpdateGUI(sender As Object, arg As EventArgs)
        If (rdoImageFile.Checked = True) Then                                                                       'if the image file radio button is chosen . . .
                imgOriginal = New Image(Of Bgr, Byte)(txtFile.Text)                                     'get original image from file name in text box
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        ElseIf (rdoWebcam.Checked = True) Then                                                                  'else if the webcam radio button is chosen . . .
                imgOriginal = capWebcam.QueryFrame()                                                                    'get next frame from webcam
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
            'should never get here
        End If

        If (imgOriginal Is Nothing) Then                                        'if imgOriginal is null
            Return                                                                                  'bail
        End If
        'perform image smoothing
        imgSmoothed = imgOriginal.PyrDown().PyrUp()                                     'Gaussian pyramid decomposition
        imgSmoothed._SmoothGaussian(3)                                                              'Gaussian smooth, argument is size of filter window

        If (ckFilterOnColor.Checked = True) Then                                                                'if filter on color check box is checked, then filter on color
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgSmoothed.InRange(New Bgr(dblMinBlue, dblMinGreen, dblMinRed), New Bgr(dblMaxBlue, dblMaxGreen, dblMaxRed))
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgGrayColorFiltered.PyrDown().PyrUp()                       'repeat smoothing process after InRange function call,
            imgGrayColorFiltered._SmoothGaussian(3)                                                                 'seems to work out better this way
        ElseIf (ckFilterOnColor.Checked = False) Then                                                   'if filter on color is not checked,
            imgGrayColorFiltered = imgSmoothed.Convert(Of Gray, Byte)()                 'then convert to gray without filtering
        End If

        'Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(160)                                 'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        'Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(200)                                 'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        Dim grayCannyThreshold As Gray = New Gray(240)                                  'first Canny threshold, used for both circle detection, and line / triangle / rectangle detection
        Dim grayCircleAccumThreshold As Gray = New Gray(100)                        'second Canny threshold for circle detection, higher number = more selective
        Dim grayThreshLinking As Gray = New Gray(80)                                        'second Canny threshold for line / triangle / rectangle detection

        'imgCanny = imgGrayColorFiltered.Canny(grayCannyThreshold, grayThreshLinking)                   'Canny image used for line, triangle, rectangle, and polygon detection  
        imgCanny = imgGrayColorFiltered.ThresholdBinary(grayCannyThreshold, New Gray(255))

        imgCircles = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                                                        'create blank image, use for circles later
        imgLines = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                                                          'create blank image, use for lines later
        imgTrisRectsPolys = imgOriginal.CopyBlank()                         'create blank image, use for triangles and rectangles later
        'HoughCircles arguments
        Dim dblAccumRes As Double = 2.0                                                                                         'resulution of the accumulator used to detect centers of circles
        Dim dblMinDistBetweenCircles As Double = imgGrayColorFiltered.Height / 4        'min distance between centers of detected circles
        Dim intMinRadius As Integer = 10                                                                                        'min radius of circles to search for
        Dim intMaxRadius As Integer = 400                                                                                       'max radius of circles to search for
        'find circles
        Dim circles As CircleF() = imgGrayColorFiltered.HoughCircles(grayCannyThreshold, grayCircleAccumThreshold, dblAccumRes, dblMinDistBetweenCircles, intMinRadius, intMaxRadius)(0)

        For Each circle As CircleF In circles
            imgCircles.Draw(circle, New Bgr(Color.Red), 2)                      'draw circles on circles image
            If (ckDrawCirclesOnOriginalImage.Checked = True) Then           'if check box is checked
                imgOriginal.Draw(circle, New Bgr(Color.Red), 2)                 'then also draw circles on original image
            End If
        'HoughLinesBinary arguments
        Dim dblRhoRes As Double = 1.0                                                       'distance resolution in pixels
        Dim dblThetaRes As Double = 4.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0)         'angle resolution in radians (multiply by PI / 180 converts to radians)
        Dim intThreshold As Integer = 20                                                'a line is returned by the function if the corresponding accumulator value is greater than threshold
        Dim dblMinLineWidth As Double = 30.0                                        'minimum width of a line
        Dim dblMinGapBetweenLines As Double = 10.0                          'minimum gap between lines
        'find lines
        Dim lines() As LineSegment2D = imgCanny.HoughLinesBinary(dblRhoRes, dblThetaRes, intThreshold, dblMinLineWidth, dblMinGapBetweenLines)(0)

        For Each line As LineSegment2D In lines
            imgLines.Draw(line, New Bgr(Color.DarkGreen), 2)                            'draw lines on lines image
            If (ckDrawLinesOnOriginalImage.Checked = True) Then                             'if check box is checked
                imgOriginal.Draw(line, New Bgr(Color.DarkGreen), 2)                 'then also draw lines on original image
            End If

        Dim lstTriangles As List(Of Triangle2DF) = New List(Of Triangle2DF)()                               'declare list of triangles
        Dim lstRectangles As List(Of MCvBox2D) = New List(Of MCvBox2D)()                                        'declare list of "rectangles"
        Dim lstPolygons As List(Of Contour(Of Point)) = New List(Of Contour(Of Point))          'declare list of polygons

        Dim i1 = 0 Mod 2 '0
        Dim i2 = 1 Mod 2 '1
        Dim i3 = 2 Mod 2 '0
        Dim i4 = 3 Mod 2 '1
        Dim i5 = 4 Mod 2 '0

        'Dim contours As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours()                                                    'find a sequence (similar to a linked list) of contours using the simple approximation method

        Dim i = 0
        Using storage As New MemStorage
            Dim contours1 As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_TREE, storage)
            Dim contours As Contour(Of Point) = imgCanny.FindContours()
            While contours IsNot Nothing ' And CvInvoke.cvCheckContourConvexity(contours) = 0
                Dim currentContour As Contour(Of Point) = contours.ApproxPoly(contours.Perimeter * 0.0015, storage) ' 0.0015 za Kragujevac1.jpg - 76 points
                If currentContour.BoundingRectangle.Width > 20 Then
                    'CvInvoke.cvDrawContours(color, contours, New MCvScalar(255), New MCvScalar(255), -1, 2, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.LINE_TYPE.EIGHT_CONNECTED, New Point(0, 0))
                    'color.Draw(currentContour.BoundingRectangle, New Bgr(0, 255, 0), 1)
                End If

                For Each point As Point In currentContour.ToArray()

                    'if i Mod 2 = 1 then
                    imgCanny.Draw(New Rectangle(point.X, point.Y, 4, 4), New Gray(100), 0)
                    'end if

                i += 1

                contours = contours.HNext
            End While
        End Using