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Having trouble Building Opencv 3.1


It's not my first openCV build just to know :) Now, i made my own libary with cMake with contribute lib.-s and CUDA 7.5. I build 64 bit and my compiler is VS 12 2013 x64 (a read that u canot use CUDA lib.-s if its not compiled 64 bit.).

Now i did as before, just like many tutorials and so ever, and i cannot build my opencv_videoio300.dll. I have the lib, but nothing else.

Error 97 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: long __cdecl videoInput::getDevice(struct IBaseFilter * *,int,wchar_t *,char *)" (?getDevice@videoInput@@AEAAJPEAPEAUIBaseFilter@@HPEA_WPEAD@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual double __cdecl cv::VideoCapture_DShow::getProperty(int)const " (?getProperty@VideoCapture_DShow@cv@@UEBANH@Z) C:\opencv3\build\modules\videoio\cap_dshow.obj 1

Error 98 error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals C:\opencv3\build\bin\Release\opencv_videoio300.dll

This is the only error in the whole INSTALL build. Cannot figure out whats the problem. Any suggestion?