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Which Machine Learning technique for simple f(x, y) = z?

Hi guys,

I'm looking for best way to predict on which part of the screen the user is looking at (output) based on eye to markers position (input). I've managed to describe input as two doubles X, Y and working on calibration method that will connect this pair with Z (area ID, at which the user is looking for particular X, Y pair) - that will be my "training data". So, it's basically f(X, Y) = Z.

My initial idea was to use machine learning provided by OpenCV. I've read some articles, mainly on SVM and ANN (MLP), but I kinda feel like that's too much of weaponery for such a trivial task. The most important aspect for me is fast learning and prediction, as it's suppose to work nearly real-time.

My question is, which method of ML should I choose for this purpose? Maybe there's even more trivial way of achieving my goal?