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Drawing a numpy array with triangulation

Hello, I've have this array :

How can I draw it with opencv and make it look like this:

image description


This image is a plot of the same array with matplotlib.

Drawing a numpy array with triangulation

Hello, I've have this array :

How can I draw it with opencv and make it look like this:

image description


This image is a plot of the same array with matplotlib.

Python Code:

from stl import mesh
from matplotlib import collections
from matplotlib import pyplot

# Create a figure and axes
figure, axes = pyplot.subplots()

# Read the STL file
your_mesh = mesh.Mesh.from_file('stlMidPoint.stl')

# Scale the image to the STL dimensions
axes.set_xlim(your_mesh.min_[0], your_mesh.max_[0])
axes.set_ylim(your_mesh.min_[1], your_mesh.max_[1])

# Add the polygons, but only the X and Y axis since it's 2D
axes.add_collection(collections.PolyCollection(your_mesh.vectors[:, :, :2]))

# Make sure the aspect ratio stays correct

# Render!

And I want to use this mesh to overlay in other images, for example this one: