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OpenCV Java 2.4.9 vs 3.1.0 BRISK Implementation

When I compared simple grayscale images with OpenCV Java 3.1 on Windows with BRISK detector, extractor and BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING matcher I got perfect results but then I tried the same code with 2.4.9 version number of correct matchings has significantly decreased. I also noticed number of keypoints and their descriptors has significantly decreased.

So I wonder can BRISK implementation has changed that much or is there a possibility that I missed to implement?

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updated 2016-03-26 20:39:39 -0600

berak gravatar image

OpenCV Java 2.4.9 vs 3.1.0 BRISK Implementation

When I compared simple grayscale images with OpenCV Java 3.1 on Windows with BRISK detector, extractor and BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING matcher I got perfect results but then I tried the same code with 2.4.9 version number of correct matchings has significantly decreased. I also noticed number of keypoints and their descriptors has significantly decreased.

So I wonder can BRISK implementation has changed that much or is there a possibility that I missed to implement?