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Chain Code Histogram

I have already extracted chain code of the contour, calculated the number of occurence of each code. Then calculated the frequency of each code. Now I have to plot it in a histogram, I do not know how to create a histogram for chain code the no. of bins should be 8 thats all I know. But how to create it in opencv 3.0 using c++?

int main()
int count0 = 0;
int count1 = 0;
int count2 = 0;
int count3 = 0;
int count4 = 0;
int count5 = 0;
int count6 = 0;
int count7 = 0;

double totalCount = 0;

Mat image = imread("rectangle.jpg", 0);

Canny(image, image, 100, 100 * 2, 3, false);

CvChain* chain;
CvMemStorage* storage = 0;
storage = cvCreateMemStorage();

cvFindContours(&IplImage(image), storage, (CvSeq**)(&chain), sizeof(*chain), CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_CODE);

int total = chain->total;

for (; chain != NULL; chain = (CvChain*)chain->h_next)

    int numChain = 0;

    CvSeqReader reader;
    int i, total = chain->total;

    cvStartReadSeq((CvSeq*)chain, &reader, 0);

    for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
        char code;
        CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(code, reader);
        int Fchain = (int)code;

        if (Fchain == 0)

        else if (Fchain == 1)

        else if (Fchain == 2)

        else if (Fchain == 3)

        else if (Fchain == 4)

        else if (Fchain == 5)

        else if (Fchain == 6)

        else if (Fchain == 7)


cout << "0: " << count0 << endl;
cout << "1: " << count1 << endl;
cout << "2: " << count2 << endl;
cout << "3: " << count3 << endl;
cout << "4: " << count4 << endl;
cout << "5: " << count5 << endl;
cout << "6: " << count6 << endl;
cout << "7: " << count7 << endl;

cout << "Total: " << totalCount << endl;

double prob0 = (count0 / totalCount);
double prob1 = (count1 / totalCount);
double prob2 = (count2 / totalCount);
double prob3 = (count3 / totalCount);
double prob4 = (count4 / totalCount);
double prob5 = (count5 / totalCount);
double prob6 = (count6 / totalCount);
double prob7 = (count7 / totalCount);

cout << "Proababilty 0: " << prob0 << endl;
cout << "Proababilty 1: " << prob1 << endl;
cout << "Proababilty 2: " << prob2 << endl;
cout << "Proababilty 3: " << prob3 << endl;
cout << "Proababilty 4: " << prob4 << endl;
cout << "Proababilty 5: " << prob5 << endl;
cout << "Proababilty 6: " << prob6 << endl;
cout << "Proababilty 7: " << prob7 << endl;

return 0;
