I have 2 video(.avi) files and i have successfully able to grab multiple frames using C++ threading and store it in frame_queue.
vector<concurrent_queue<Mat>*> frame_queue;
But i want to run marker detection on these captured frames.
Here is the code snippet
while (1)
//Retrieve frames from each camera capture thread
for (int i = 0; i < capture_source.size(); i++)
Mat vdo_frame;
//Pop frame from queue and check if the frame is valid
if (cam.frame_queue[i]->try_pop(vdo_frame)){
//Show frame on Highgui window
//imshow(label[i], frame);
If i am not wrong cam.frame_queue[0] holds the frames from video1 and frame_queue[1] holds the frames from video2. But how do i run marker detection for both the videos in parallel? Issue is whenever i run the code it works for some seconds but then my Ubuntu freezes and i have to reboot.