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cv::setMouseCallback with winforms (OpenCV 2.4.9,vs 2010)

Hi ! Im working with OpenCV 2.4.9 with winforms (vs 2010).

Im trying to use cv::setMouseCallback with winforms of vs 2010. I have a mouse callback:

void mouse_call(int event,int x,int y, int, void*){ }

and then:

cv::Mat img = cv::imread("f:/open/me.jpg"); cv::namedWindow("Original"); cv::imshow("Original",img);

cv::setMouseCallback("Original", mouse_call, this);

I get an error: error C3867: 'DCS_new::Evaluation_module_3::mouse_call': function call missing argument list; use '&DCS_new::Evaluation_module_3::mouse_call' to create a pointer to member

Any help please ?

cv::setMouseCallback with winforms (OpenCV 2.4.9,vs 2010)

Hi ! Im working with OpenCV 2.4.9 with winforms (vs 2010).

Im trying to use cv::setMouseCallback cv::setMouseCallback with winforms of vs 2010. I have a mouse callback:

void mouse_call(int event,int x,int y, int, void*){
and then:

and then:

cv::Mat img = cv::imread("f:/open/me.jpg"); cv::namedWindow("Original"); cv::imshow("Original",img);


cv::setMouseCallback("Original", mouse_call, this);


I get an error: error:

error C3867: 'DCS_new::Evaluation_module_3::mouse_call': function call missing argument list; use '&DCS_new::Evaluation_module_3::mouse_call' to create a pointer to member


Any help please ?