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Compute moments after connected component labeling


I'm trying to compute the moments of the pixels found in a connected component of a gray scale image.

I have in a matrix cv::Mat contMat a gray scale image. After thresholding it to another matrix binImg, I found its connected components with cv::connectedComponents(binImg, lblImg, 8); I went ahead and created a vector<cv::Point> points with the points from a specific connected component, let's say the ones labeled 1, by traversing lblImg and adding the points from contMat that have label 1 in lblImg.

Now I want to compute the image moments from those points in the contMat matrix using cv::moments(points, false), but that's not really working, because it seems moments expects a contour.

I'm wondering what's the best way to do this using OpenCV 3.1 in C++.
