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Is the function distanceTransform still supported?

I'm trying to use the function distanceTransform(...). However, my compiler keeps saying: namespace cv has no member distanceTransform Is this function still supported? Is it possible that I'm missing an include file?

I have also been looking for some example code. The documentation at link text says there is an example at link text, but that second webpage doesn't seem to exist.

I'm trying to get an exact result using maskSize = CV_DIST_MASK_PRECISE and distanceType = CV_DIST_L2. I do see that there was a previous question about this function link text. A response on June 13, 2014 confirmed a bug when specifically using these two values. I guess I'm hoping it got fixed in the intervening 1.5 years. Is that a safe assumption? Or should another parameterization be used?

Arch Linux x86_64 OpenCV 3.1.0 VS2013