I cannot compile OpenCV (latest GIT sources) with CUDA 5.0 support. I have tried MANY things, yet the error is always the same:
For instance, when I want to build opencv_core, I get:
error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'build\modules\core\CMakeFiles\cuda_compile.dir\src\cuda\Debug\cuda_compile_generated_matrix_operations.cu.obj'
The cuda code is not being built. Also I do not see any reference of the nvcc compiler in the Output windows.
My system works fine otherwise: Clearing 'WITH_CUDA' makes everything build fine. Also, I can build and run the examples from CUDA 5.0 (both in 64 bit as well as 32 bit) without problems.
Can anyone help?
My system details: * Windows 7, core i7, 64 bit, 16GB RAM. * Visual Studio 2010 Premium * cMake
Note that in cMake, CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR is not found. However, when I tried to build with CUDA 4.2 (all cMake info appeared correct), the same error occurred...