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Trying to detect faces in linux, done it in windows

I am trying to detect faces in still photos. I am using the following which gets to compile, using Open CV 2.2.0 installed from a rpm for Cent OS.

What I get is

Failed to initialize libdc1394 Segmentation fault

I read that libdc1394 has to do with it not initializing the camera or something similar and that it can be ignored, this is holding in a server therefore it won't initialize the server's camera.

But segmentation fault does not allow me to execute the code like it should. Right now the code below doesn't print in a way that php can access it, I have that functioning with C++ for Windows but it's been running on a project on localhost for sometime now and I want to host it online but for that I need to have opencv working with Linux.

Segmentation fault could come from any "stupid" error the below code might have but I'm just not very much proficient with c or c++.


#include <stdio.h>
 #include "cv.h"
 #include "highgui.h"
 #include "cvaux.h"
 CvHaarClassifierCascade *cascade;
 CvMemStorage            *storage;
 char *face_cascade="/usr/include/opencv/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml";

 void detectFacialFeatures( IplImage *img,IplImage *temp_img)
 char image[100],msg[100],temp_image[100];
 float m[6];
 double factor = 1;
 CvMat M = cvMat( 2, 3, CV_32F, m );
 int w = (img)->width;
 int h = (img)->height;
 CvSeq* faces;
 CvRect *r;
 m[0] = (float)(factor*cos(0.0));
 m[1] = (float)(factor*sin(0.0));
 m[2] = w*0.5f;
 m[3] = -m[1];
 m[4] = m[0];
 m[5] = h*0.5f;
 cvGetQuadrangleSubPix(img, temp_img, &M);
 CvMemStorage* storage=cvCreateMemStorage(0);
 cvClearMemStorage( storage );
 if( cascade )
 faces = cvHaarDetectObjects(img,cascade, storage, 1.2, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize(20, 20));
 printf("\nFrontal face cascade not loaded\n");
 printf("\n no of faces detected are %d",faces->total);
 int i=0;
 r = ( CvRect* )cvGetSeqElem( faces, i );
 cvRectangle( img,cvPoint( r->x, r->y ),cvPoint( r->x + r->width, r->y + r->height ),
 CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ), 1, 8, 0 );    
 printf("\n face_x=%d face_y=%d wd=%d ht=%d",r->x,r->y,r->width,r->height);
 cvSaveImage( image, img ,0);

 int main( int argc, char *argv[])
 char *dea;
 char *image;
 char *temp_img;
 IplImage  *img,*temp_img;
 int       key;
 storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 );
 cascade = ( CvHaarClassifierCascade* )cvLoad( face_cascade, 0, 0, 0 );
 if( !(cascade) )
 fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not load classifier cascade\n" );
 return -1;
 printf("Could not load image file and trying once again: %s\n",image);
 printf("\n curr_image = %s",image);
 cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade( &cascade );
 cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
 return 0;

Trying to detect faces in linux, done it in windows

I am trying to detect faces in still photos. I am using the following which gets to compile, using Open CV 2.2.0 installed from a rpm for Cent OS.

What I get is

Failed to initialize libdc1394 Segmentation fault

I read that libdc1394 has to do with it not initializing the camera or something similar and that it can be ignored, this is holding in a server therefore it won't initialize the server's camera.

But segmentation fault does not allow me to execute the code like it should. Right now the code below doesn't print in a way that php can access it, I have that functioning with C++ for Windows but it's been running on a project on localhost for sometime now and I want to host it online but for that I need to have opencv working with Linux.

Segmentation fault could come from any "stupid" error the below code might have but I'm just not very much proficient with c or c++.


#include <stdio.h>
 #include "cv.h"
 #include "highgui.h"
 #include "cvaux.h"
 CvHaarClassifierCascade *cascade;
 CvMemStorage            *storage;
 char *face_cascade="/usr/include/opencv/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml";

 void detectFacialFeatures( IplImage *img,IplImage *temp_img)
 char image[100],msg[100],temp_image[100];
 float m[6];
 double factor = 1;
 CvMat M = cvMat( 2, 3, CV_32F, m );
 int w = (img)->width;
 int h = (img)->height;
 CvSeq* faces;
 CvRect *r;
 m[0] = (float)(factor*cos(0.0));
 m[1] = (float)(factor*sin(0.0));
 m[2] = w*0.5f;
 m[3] = -m[1];
 m[4] = m[0];
 m[5] = h*0.5f;
 cvGetQuadrangleSubPix(img, temp_img, &M);
 CvMemStorage* storage=cvCreateMemStorage(0);
 cvClearMemStorage( storage );
 if( cascade )
 faces = cvHaarDetectObjects(img,cascade, storage, 1.2, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize(20, 20));
 printf("\nFrontal face cascade not loaded\n");
 printf("\n no of faces detected are %d",faces->total);
 int i=0;
 r = ( CvRect* )cvGetSeqElem( faces, i );
 cvRectangle( img,cvPoint( r->x, r->y ),cvPoint( r->x + r->width, r->y + r->height ),
 CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ), 1, 8, 0 );    
 printf("\n face_x=%d face_y=%d wd=%d ht=%d",r->x,r->y,r->width,r->height);
 cvSaveImage( image, img ,0);

 int main( int argc, char *argv[])
 char *dea;
 char *image;
 char *temp_img;
 IplImage  *img,*temp_img;
 int       key;
 storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 );
 cascade = ( CvHaarClassifierCascade* )cvLoad( face_cascade, 0, 0, 0 );
 if( !(cascade) )
 fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not load classifier cascade\n" );
 return -1;
 printf("Could not load image file and trying once again: %s\n",image);
 printf("\n curr_image = %s",image);
 cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade( &cascade );
 cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
 return 0;

the segmentation fault comes in this line:

faces = cvHaarDetectObjects(img,cascade, storage, 1.2, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize(20, 20));