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Convert Double[2048]to Mat

I have a spectrometer that receives an address and throws 2048 doubles into memory starting at that address. I would like to run it 500 times and at the end have a 500x2048 Mat file where each row corresponds to one spectrum. If the spectrometer was returning int, I would define a Mat(500,2048,CV_16UC1) and send the spectrometer the address of each row sequentially.

How do I need to define the Mat so that I can do this with doubles?

I am using windows 7/64 , Visual studio 2013 and OpenCV 2.4.9


Convert Double[2048]to double[2048]to Mat

I have a spectrometer that receives an address and throws 2048 doubles into memory starting at that address. I would like to run it 500 times and at the end have a 500x2048 Mat file where each row corresponds to one spectrum. If the spectrometer was returning int, int, I would define a Mat(500,2048,CV_16UC1) and send the spectrometer the address of each row sequentially.

How do I need to define the Mat so that I can do this with doubles?doubles?

I am using windows 7/64 , Visual studio 2013 and OpenCV 2.4.9
