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SVM training under OpenCV 3.1 weird classification labels

So I got training data with double features and accompanied integer labels. Since I want binary classification I give one class 1 labels and other class -1 labels. Training data is a matrix with amount of samples as rows and with features as columns.

Training is set up as

// Set up SVM's parameters
Ptr<SVM> svm1 = SVM::create();
svm1->setTermCriteria(TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER, 100, 1e-6));
svm1->train(trainingDataSVM1, ROW_SAMPLE, labelsSVM1);

cerr << "SVM 1 trained and ready to use!" <<  endl;

While testing is done with

// Classify the labels of the testing data
Mat labelsTest( testData.rows, 1, CV_32SC1);
svm1->predict(testData, labelsTest);

cerr << "Labels: ";
for(int i=0; i < labelsTest.rows; i++){
    cerr <<<int>(i, 0) << " / ";
cerr << endl;

Now this generates the following output, which is quite unusual

SVM 1 trained and ready to use!
Labels: -1082130432 / 1065353216 / 1065353216 / 1065353216 / 1065353216 / 1065353216 / 1065353216 / 1065353216 / 1065353216 /

What concerns me is that

  1. Training goes extremely fast, its like instant, but that can be due to the low amount of training samples, for 1 class it is 42 while for the -1 class it is 40. But still it seems that SVM should take time to train?
  2. I have a binary SVM so how does he finds those extreme large values.