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Comparing two images (rotate, brightness)


So I have this:

image description

I need to compare the template (left window) with the detected one (middle window)

What is the best way to do this? As you can see, it can be rotated and the brightness can be diffrent?

Comparing two images (rotate, brightness)


So I have this:

image description

I need to compare the template (left window) with the detected one (middle window)

What is the best way to do this? As you can see, it can be rotated and the brightness can be diffrent?


All right, so I now have this

double dist = matchShapes(findContours(temp)[0], findContours(backgroundElem(roi, d))[0], CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I1, 0);
 cout << dist << endl;

dist gives some random values, what do I do know?