i have a gStreamer Pipeline and output the Frames to my application via an appsink.
cv::Mat frame = cv::Mat(cv::Size(720, 405), CV_8UC3, (char*)map.data, cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP);
cv::Mat frame_gray;
if (frame.channels() > 1) {
cv::cvtColor(frame, frame_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
} else {
frame_gray = frame;
the map.data is 874.800 bytes. the format seems to be right. i pass the frame_gray to my algorithm:
cv::Rect rect = Rect(250,250,pipeCtrl->displayData->getSelectionRectWidth(),pipeCtrl->displayData->getSelectionRectHeight());
pipeCtrl->algo.consensus.estimate_scale = false;
pipeCtrl->algo.consensus.estimate_rotation = true;
pipeCtrl->algo.initialize(frame_gray, rect);
there i try to use the fast feature detector.
void algo::initialize(const Mat im_gray, const Rect rect) {
imshow( "Display window", im_gray );
detector = cv::FastFeatureDetector::create();
descriptor = cv::BRISK::create();
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
detector->detect(im_gray, keypoints);
the imshow works fine. i can see the scaled (720x405 px) gray scale image. but the fast festure detector finds ~4.2 billion features in the image, at least that is what keypoints.size() returns after the fast algorithm runs.
The algorithm works fine if i use VideoCapture and a webcam as input using the same grayscale conversion. so i think it might be a problem with the data i get from the gStreamer app sink. but that seems to be ok. (imshow works on the not grayscale image too)
Do i miss something? Is there a way to debug the input to the fast feature detect without messing around with the source code?
Hava a nice day!