hello, how can I display phase image with opencv and FFT , i only find magnitude image. please help me. Thanks a lot.
1 | initial version |
hello, how can I display phase image with opencv and FFT , i only find magnitude image. please help me. Thanks a lot.
2 | No.2 Revision |
how can I display function fft_img = get_FFT() % ****************************************
% Compute the FFT phase image with opencv or Amplitude
CtrlFigHdl = GetFigHdl('CtrlFig'); ToggleButtonAmpHdl = findobj(CtrlFigHdl, 'Tag', 'ToggleButtonAmp'); ToggleButtonPhaseHdl = findobj(CtrlFigHdl, 'Tag', 'ToggleButtonPhase');
% detect if we want a Phase or Amplitude if get(ToggleButtonAmpHdl, 'Value') BufferType = 1; % FFT Amplitude type elseif get(ToggleButtonPhaseHdl, 'Value') BufferType = 2; % FFT Phase type else fft_img = []; return; end
CtrlFigUsrDat = get(CtrlFigHdl, 'UserData');
% Do we need to update the FFT? if (BufferType == CtrlFigUsrDat.Current.BufferType) && ~isempty(CtrlFigUsrDat.Current.Buffer) % No we don't fft_img = CtrlFigUsrDat.Current.Buffer; else % we need to compute a new fft % Notes: fft(uint16) is double; fft(single) is single; fft(double) is double
clear CtrlFigUsrDat; % Avoid duplication of data
CtrlFigUsrDat = ClearBuffer('main'); % makes room
% Get the ROI limits
[ROI_min_x ROI_max_x ROI_min_y ROI_max_y] = getROIlimits();
h = [];
% pre-allocation. We make it single as it's half the data needed and still good enough.
% The FFT computation below is converted in single as it is done, plane by plane
fft_img = zeros(ROI_max_y-ROI_min_y+1, ROI_max_x-ROI_min_x+1, CtrlFigUsrDat.Current.z_dim, 'single');
sizeOfSingle = 4;
h = waitbar(0,[num2str(size(fft_img,2)) ' * ' num2str(size(fft_img,1)) ' pixels * ', ...
num2str(size(fft_img,3)) ' frames * single (32 bpp) = ' num2str(numel(fft_img)*sizeOfSingle/(1024*1024),'%.2f'), ' MB'], ...
'Name', 'Computing FFT...', 'WindowStyle', 'modal');
set(h, 'HandleVisibility', 'off'); % do not integrate this into the line above
pause(0.1); % allow refresh
if BufferType == 1 % Amplitude
for i = ROI_min_x:ROI_max_x % along x
fft_img( : , i-ROI_min_x+1 , :) = abs(fft(single(get_RawData('ROI',i,':')),[],3));
if ishandle(h)
waitbar((i-ROI_min_x+1)/(ROI_max_x-ROI_min_x+1), h);
error('FFT aborted.');
else % Phase
for i only find magnitude image.
please help me.
Thanks a lot.= ROI_min_x:ROI_max_x % along x
fft_img( : , i-ROI_min_x+1 , :) = -angle(fft(single(get_RawData('ROI',i,':')),[],3));
if ishandle(h)
waitbar((i-ROI_min_x+1)/(ROI_max_x-ROI_min_x+1), h);
error('FFT aborted.');
% Update Buffer
CtrlFigUsrDat.Current.BufferType = BufferType;
CtrlFigUsrDat.Current.Buffer = fft_img;
setF(CtrlFigHdl, 'UserData', CtrlFigUsrDat);
catch FFTError
messageBox(FFTError.message, 1, 'FFT Error');
fft_img = []; % means it failed computing the FFT
if ishandle(h)
3 | No.3 Revision |
function fft_img = get_FFT() %