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converting uchar to int then to string causes crash

I asked this question at stackoverflow but didn't get an answer.

I'm trying to write pixel values of an image in RGB to a file with Opencv. Basically file will be made of values like




There is nothing wrong with the image, display program shows it without any problems. Here's the relevant portion of the code.

  Mat rawData = Mat(1, elementcount, CV_8UC1, UArray);
image = imdecode(rawData, IMREAD_COLOR);
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
        for (int t = 0; t < cols; t++){
            Vec3b intensity =<Vec3b>(rows, cols);

I've tried the following but everytime the program crashes

void ImageValueToString(Vec3b imagevalue){
   int blue = imagevalue.val[0];
   string blue_string = to_string(blue); // Crash

void ImageValueToString(Vec3b imagevalue){
   int blue = static_cast<int>(imagevalue.val[0]);
   string blue_string = to_string(blue); // Crash

void ImageValueToString(Vec3b imagevalue){
   uchar blue = imagevalue.val[0];
   int blue_int = (int)blue;
   string blue_string = to_string(blue_int); // Crash

 void ImageValueToString(Vec3b imagevalue){
   int blue = imagevalue.val[0];
   string s;
   stringstream out;
   out << blue;
   s = out.str(); // crash

The program works if I omit string conversion. This works

 int red = 5;
  string red_string = to_string(red);

But when converted from uchar, int to string conversion doesn't work. I'm baffled. Any suggestions? I must be missing something trival.

converting uchar to int then to string causes crash

I asked this question at stackoverflow but didn't get an answer.

I'm working with the following: Visual Studio 2013, VS compiler, OpenCV 3

I'm trying to write pixel values of an image in RGB to a file with Opencv. Basically file will be made of values like




There is nothing wrong with the image, display program shows it without any problems. Here's the relevant portion of the code.

  Mat rawData = Mat(1, elementcount, CV_8UC1, UArray);
 image = imdecode(rawData, IMREAD_COLOR);
  int rows = image.rows;
  int cols = image.cols;
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
        for (int t = 0; t < cols; t++){
            Vec3b intensity =<Vec3b>(rows, cols);

I've tried the following but everytime the program crashes

void ImageValueToString(Vec3b imagevalue){
   int blue = imagevalue.val[0];
   string blue_string = to_string(blue); // Crash

void ImageValueToString(Vec3b imagevalue){
   int blue = static_cast<int>(imagevalue.val[0]);
   string blue_string = to_string(blue); // Crash

void ImageValueToString(Vec3b imagevalue){
   uchar blue = imagevalue.val[0];
   int blue_int = (int)blue;
   string blue_string = to_string(blue_int); // Crash

 void ImageValueToString(Vec3b imagevalue){
   int blue = imagevalue.val[0];
   string s;
   stringstream out;
   out << blue;
   s = out.str(); // crash

The program works if I omit string conversion. This works

 int red = 5;
  string red_string = to_string(red);

But when converted from uchar, int to string conversion doesn't work. I'm baffled. Any suggestions? I must be missing something trival.