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How do I interpret the information in the location output matrix from cuda::findMinMaxLoc?

This may be a stupid question, but when I run cuda::findMinMaxLoc it produces a 1x2 Mat 32FC1 Mat. Apparently this somehow contains information about the locations of the min and the max, but I have no clue how 2 digits are giving me coordinates for two points.

Any help is appreciated.

How do I interpret the information in the location output matrix from cuda::findMinMaxLoc?

This may be a stupid question, but when I run cuda::findMinMaxLoc it produces a 1x2 Mat 32FC1 Mat. Apparently this somehow contains information about the locations of the min and the max, but I have no clue how 2 digits are giving me coordinates for two points.

Any help is appreciated.

How do I interpret the information in the location output matrix from cuda::findMinMaxLoc?

This may be a stupid question, but when I run cuda::findMinMaxLoc it produces a 1x2 32FC1 Mat. Mat for "location". Apparently this somehow contains information about the locations of the min and the max, but I have no clue how 2 digits are giving me coordinates for two points.

Any help is appreciated.

How do I interpret the information in the location output matrix from cuda::findMinMaxLoc?

This may be a stupid question, but when I run cuda::findMinMaxLoc it produces a 1x2 32FC1 Mat for "location". Apparently this somehow contains information about the locations of the min and the max, but I have no clue how 2 digits are giving me coordinates for two points.

Any help is appreciated.