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Node iterator missing first value when importing xml

I'm currently saving a large map of histogram data to xml for use in a later part of my program. I've noticed that it is cutting off the first value when loading and instead adding an empty value at the end.

A basic example is:

Correct Model:

Incorrect Loaded Model:

The layout of my xml file below where i is a changing value: <serial></serial> <classes> <class_i> <name></name> <m_i type_id="opencv-matrix"> </m_i> </class_i> </classes>

My import function is below:

int getClassHist(map<string, vector<Mat> >& savedClassHist){
  int serial;
  // Load in Class Histograms(Models)
  FileStorage fs3("models.xml", FileStorage::READ);
  fs3["Serial"] >> serial;
  cout << "This is the serial: " << serial << endl;
  FileNode fn = fs3["classes"];
  if(fn.type() == FileNode::MAP){

    // Create iterator to go through all the classes
    for(FileNodeIterator it = fn.begin();it != fn.end();it++){
      string clsNme = (string)(*it)["Name"];

      // Create node of current Class
      FileNode clss = (*it)["Models"];
      // Iterate through each model inside class, saving to map
      for(FileNodeIterator it1  = clss.begin();it1 != clss.end();it1++){
        FileNode k = *it1;
        Mat tmp;
        k >> tmp;
    ERR("Class file was not map.");
  return serial;

It seems like an iterator problem so would be likely be in the it1 loop which is skipping the first value but i'm not sure why.??

Node iterator missing first value when importing xml

I'm currently saving a large map of histogram data to xml for use in a later part of my program. I've noticed that it is cutting off the first value when loading and instead adding an empty value at the end.

A basic example is:

Correct Model:

Incorrect Loaded Model:

The layout of my xml file below where i is a changing value: <serial></serial> value:

    <m_i type_id="opencv-matrix">


My import function is below:

int getClassHist(map<string, vector<Mat> >& savedClassHist){
  int serial;
  // Load in Class Histograms(Models)
  FileStorage fs3("models.xml", FileStorage::READ);
  fs3["Serial"] >> serial;
  cout << "This is the serial: " << serial << endl;
  FileNode fn = fs3["classes"];
  if(fn.type() == FileNode::MAP){

    // Create iterator to go through all the classes
    for(FileNodeIterator it = fn.begin();it != fn.end();it++){
      string clsNme = (string)(*it)["Name"];

      // Create node of current Class
      FileNode clss = (*it)["Models"];
      // Iterate through each model inside class, saving to map
      for(FileNodeIterator it1  = clss.begin();it1 != clss.end();it1++){
        FileNode k = *it1;
        Mat tmp;
        k >> tmp;
    ERR("Class file was not map.");
  return serial;

It seems like an iterator problem so would be likely be in the it1 loop which is skipping the first value but i'm not sure why.??