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How to use MedianBlur to Mat data CV_32FC1

Hi there

I want to use MedianBlur to CV_32FC1 data. but, it use only 8bit data format data ? what would be a good way to do it?

so, my soce code is this. but , I run this code , and downed the median blure with no error code.

cv::Mat depthMat = cv::Mat(HEIGHT_BASE_PIC, WIDTH_BASE_PIC, CV_32FC1, SDepthImage->depthImage); // cv::imshow("*DepthMat*"+cameraID, depthMat / 4500.0f); cv::Mat noiseDeletedMatDepth ; cv::medianBlur(depthMat, noiseDeletedMatDepth,7);

so, how to use medianBlur for 32bit-float depth data ?

How to use MedianBlur to Mat data CV_32FC1

Hi there

I want to use MedianBlur to CV_32FC1 data. but, it use only 8bit data format data ? what would be a good way to do it?

so, my soce code is this. but , I run this code , and downed the median blure with no error code.

cv::Mat depthMat = cv::Mat(HEIGHT_BASE_PIC, WIDTH_BASE_PIC, CV_32FC1, SDepthImage->depthImage);
 // cv::imshow("*DepthMat*"+cameraID, cv::imshow("******DepthMat******"+cameraID, depthMat / 4500.0f);
 cv::Mat noiseDeletedMatDepth ;
 cv::medianBlur(depthMat, noiseDeletedMatDepth,7);


so, how to use medianBlur for 32bit-float depth data ?