Hi,I use findEssentialMat and recoverPose. (opencv 3)
I have a small problem with the translation value t. The rotation values (euler angles e) are very exact. The t values do not match. Maybe I'm expecting something else.
The t variable gives me 3 values. The three values are the relative distances (x,y,z) from camera 1 to camera 2? Is that right?
Mat E, R, t, mask,mtxR,mtxQ,Qx,Qy,Qz;
cv::Point2d pp(7200,5400);
cv::Vec3d e; double focal=14285;
// EssentialMatrix
recoverPose(E, image1_points, image2_points, R, t, focal, pp, mask);
// euler angles e
e= RQDecomp3x3(R, mtxR,mtxQ,Qx, Qy, Qz);