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OpenCV similarity between two images using Euclidean distance

Can we use the Euclidean distance to determine the similarity between two images

  • Detect Keypoint image1, image2 using SUFT
  • Compute Descriptor image1, image2 using SUFT
  • double dif = norm(des1,des2,L2_norm)----> if dif is small -> can we tell that two images similar?

If yes, so what is the threshold to lead to these two images are similar.

And another question is when I compute descriptor for those images. I see that the size of them is not equal. Ex: des1 is 64x96, des2 is 64x85 So the norm function throw an exception.

So is there any way for us to normalize the descriptor to fixed size in order to using Euclidean distance or not?

And I use OpenCV Java API to do these above stuffs currently.