I am doing a project in Java with Android jni c ++. I have a function in C ++ with the following parameters:
C ++ function:
void rectify (vector <Point2f> & corners, Mat & img) {...}
In JAVA call would be:
Mat image = Highgui.imread("img.png");
List <MatOfPoint> cornners = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>();;
Point b = new Point (real_x2, real_y2);
MatOfPoint ma = new MatOfPoint (b);
rectfy(image.getNativeObjAddr(), cornners)
public native "??" rectfy(long mat, "??" matofpoint);
With that, I wonder how will the function c ++ jni:
JNIEXPORT ?? JNICALL Java_ImageProcessingActivity_rectfy (JNIEnv * jobject, ?? cornners, inputMatAddress jlong)