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OpenCV 3.0 with VS2013

Hi guys, here's what I'm trying to achieve: I'd like to start doing some object tracking with a webcam with OpenCV 3.0 powered by VS2013.

After viewing the tutorials, I got to view my webcam quite nicely but with bit of an inconvenience. After loading the program as follows:

#include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>

//displays video from a webcam
//0 is built-in, 1 is external
//press esc key to close

int main()

    cvNamedWindow("Webcam", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    CvCapture* capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0); //0 = built-in, 1 = external, however in this case it seems having no default webcam, select 0.
    IplImage* frame;
    while (1) {
        frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
        if (!frame) break;
        cvShowImage("Webcam", frame);
        char c = cvWaitKey(33);
        if (c == 27) break;
    cvDestroyWindow("Image Processing: The CUFF Blueprint");
    return 0;


The whole thing doesn't work in Debug mode so I had to start withou Debugging, which works fine. The prompt in the background shows this:

Failed to load OPENCL at runtime <expected version="" 1.1+&gt;<="" p="">

So there that. Where do I go to smooth things up here? Thanks. Vizier87