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mouse click and draw circle

Hi My topic is draw circle with mouse click method I click 3 points on the image and draw circle I have got a code for drawing circle with given three points but my code is not working this code for draw circel wiht 3 points

    Mat cember_denklemi(Point2f A,Point2f B,Point2f C) {
    double W[3][3]={{A.x,A.y,1},

    double T[3][1]={-(A.x*A.x+A.y*A.y),
    Mat M=Mat(3,3,CV_64F,W);
    Mat N=Mat(3,1,CV_64F,T);
    Mat L=M.inv()*N;

    return L;

and this is my code,

    #include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static int mouse_x = -1;
static int mouse_y = -1;
Mat circle_eq(Point2f A,Point2f B,Point2f C)
    double W[3][3]={{A.x,A.y,1},

    double T[3][1]={-(A.x*A.x+A.y*A.y),
    Mat M=Mat(3,3,CV_64F,W);
    Mat N=Mat(3,1,CV_64F,T);
    Mat L=M.inv()*N;

    return L;
void mouseKordinat(int evt, int x, int y, int flags, void* ptr)

    mouse_x = x;
    mouse_y = y;
int tik;
  tik = tik + 1;

void getPixelValue(Mat img, int x, int y);
Mat image;

int main()
 image = imread("c:/qwz/1q.jpg");
 imshow("MyWindow", image);
 setMouseCallback("MyWindow", mouseKordinat, 0 );
tik = tik%=3;

int merkez=circle_eq(nokta(0), nokta(1), nokta(2));
circle(image,merkez,3, Scalar(255,255,255),-1,8, nokta(0));
    int nokta[0][0]=0;

 return 0;

void mouseKordinat(int evt, int c, int r, int flags, void* ptr)


void getPixelValue(Mat img, int r, int c)
 int B = pix.val[0];
 int G = pix.val[1];
 int R = pix.val[2];
 cout<<"Row:"<<r<<" "<<"Column:"<<c<<" - "; 
 cout<<"B:"<<B<<" "<<"G:"<<G<<" "<<"R:"<<R<<"\n"; 


mouse click and draw circle

Hi My topic is draw circle with mouse click method I click 3 points on the image and draw circle I have got a code for drawing circle with given three points but my code is not working this code for draw circel wiht 3 points

    Mat cember_denklemi(Point2f A,Point2f B,Point2f C) {
    double W[3][3]={{A.x,A.y,1},

    double T[3][1]={-(A.x*A.x+A.y*A.y),
    Mat M=Mat(3,3,CV_64F,W);
    Mat N=Mat(3,1,CV_64F,T);
    Mat L=M.inv()*N;

    return L;

and this is my code,

    #include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
static int mouse_x = -1;
static int mouse_y = -1;
Mat circle_eq(Point2f A,Point2f B,Point2f C)
    double W[3][3]={{A.x,A.y,1},

    double T[3][1]={-(A.x*A.x+A.y*A.y),
    Mat M=Mat(3,3,CV_64F,W);
    Mat N=Mat(3,1,CV_64F,T);
    Mat L=M.inv()*N;

    return L;
void mouseKordinat(int evt, int x, int y, int flags, void* ptr)

    mouse_x = x;
    mouse_y = y;
int tik;
  tik = tik + 1;

void getPixelValue(Mat img, int x, int y);
Mat image;

int main()
 image = imread("c:/qwz/1q.jpg");
 imshow("MyWindow", image);
 setMouseCallback("MyWindow", mouseKordinat, 0 );
tik = tik%=3;

int merkez=circle_eq(nokta(0), nokta(1), nokta(2));
circle(image,merkez,3, Scalar(255,255,255),-1,8, nokta(0));
    int nokta[0][0]=0;

 return 0;

void mouseKordinat(int evt, int c, int r, int flags, void* ptr)


void getPixelValue(Mat img, int r, int c)
 int B = pix.val[0];
 int G = pix.val[1];
 int R = pix.val[2];
 cout<<"Row:"<<r<<" "<<"Column:"<<c<<" - "; 
 cout<<"B:"<<B<<" "<<"G:"<<G<<" "<<"R:"<<R<<"\n"; 
