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Feature matching using three images?

I am using FAST to detect features, Orb to extract descriptors and Bf to match them. This works great on an image pair, but can I do it across multiple images?
I need to match the same points on three or four images.


Feature matching using three images?

I am using FAST to detect features, Orb to extract descriptors and Bf to match them. This works great on an image pair, but can I do it across multiple images?
I need to match the same points on three or four images.


Currently I have:

Get features on A, Get features on B, Get features on C.

Extract descriptors for each to descriptorA, descriptorB, descriptorC.

Match A to B, match B to C.

How then, do I ensure that all three are the same points?

Feature matching using three images?

I am using FAST to detect features, Orb to extract descriptors and Bf to match them. This works great on an image pair, but can I do it across multiple images?
I need to match the same points on three or four images.


Currently I have:

Get features on A, Get features on B, Get features on C.

Extract descriptors for each to descriptorA, descriptorB, descriptorC.

Match A descriptorA to B, descriptorB, match B descriptorB to C.descriptorC.

How then, do I ensure that all three are the same points?