Is there a ready made solution to match blobs (detected by the SimpleBlobDetector) the same way that one may match keypoint descriptors such as ORB in OpenCV?
I mean, when using the "detect" method of the blob detector, it stores the blobs as a vector of keypoints and, given that I used the relevant parameters, it gives me the area of each blobs. Now, I have two vectors of keypoints/blobs from two images and I want to match the blobs. Using something like knnmatch requires descriptors as inputs.
I thought of 2 possibilities, but I would prefer if there was something already optimized.
- Implement by myself the matching algorithm so that it takes as input two vector of keypoints and as output a vector of vector of DMatches (I don't trust myself to make this more efficient than a naive implementation) OR
- Create a routine that fills a mat of descriptors, with each areas encoded as a bit vector to make it look like a standard descriptors. Then use knnmatch.
Does anyone know of an alternative? Thanks :)