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OpenCV SVM weird test accuray at 10 % on MNIST

I tried to train OpenCV SVM on MNIST dataset and I got weird results, i.e. test accuray at 10 %. Any idea what went wrong? Thanks in advance.

Here are the parameters I used:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();



Testing: (from letter_recog.cpp sample)

 static void test_and_save_classifier(const Ptr<StatModel>& model,
                                 const Mat& data, const Mat& responses,
                                 int ntrain_samples, int rdelta,
                                 const string& filename_to_save)
int i, nsamples_all = data.rows;
double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;

// compute prediction error on 
// train data[0 , ..., ntrain_samples-1]; and 
// test data[0 , ..., nsamples_all-1]

before = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());

for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
    Mat sample = data.row(i);

    // The method is used to predict the response for a new sample. 
    // In case of a classification, the method returns the class label.        

    float r = model->predict( sample );  /// sample is the row feature vector

    // Tally correct classifications
    // +1 if prediction is correct
    // +0 if prediction is wrong 
    r = std::abs(r + rdelta -<int>(i)) <= FLT_EPSILON ? 1.f : 0.f;

    if( i < ntrain_samples )
        train_hr += r;
        test_hr += r;

after = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
duration_in_ms = 1000.0*(after - before)/getTickFrequency();
cout << "Prediction for all data completed after "<< duration_in_ms <<" ms...\n";
cout << "Average prediction time per sample is "<< duration_in_ms/nsamples_all <<" ms.\n";

test_hr /= nsamples_all - ntrain_samples;
train_hr = ntrain_samples > 0 ? train_hr/ntrain_samples : 1.;
/// Note: 0 training samples here will give 100 % training error

printf( "Recognition rate: train = %.2f%%, test = %.2f%%\n",
        train_hr*100., test_hr*100. );

if( !filename_to_save.empty() )
    model->save( filename_to_save );

Test run:

trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 11.1005 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 443715 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 6.33879 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

OpenCV SVM weird test accuray at 10 % on MNIST

I tried to train OpenCV SVM on MNIST dataset and I got weird results, i.e. test accuray at 10 %. Any idea what went wrong? Thanks in advance.

Here are the parameters I used:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();



Testing: (from letter_recog.cpp sample)

 static void test_and_save_classifier(const Ptr<StatModel>& model,
                                 const Mat& data, const Mat& responses,
                                 int ntrain_samples, int rdelta,
                                 const string& filename_to_save)
int i, nsamples_all = data.rows;
double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;

// compute prediction error on 
// train data[0 , ..., ntrain_samples-1]; and 
// test data[0 , ..., nsamples_all-1]

before = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());

for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
    Mat sample = data.row(i);

    // The method is used to predict the response for a new sample. 
    // In case of a classification, the method returns the class label.        

    float r = model->predict( sample );  /// sample is the row feature vector

    // Tally correct classifications
    // +1 if prediction is correct
    // +0 if prediction is wrong 
    r = std::abs(r + rdelta -<int>(i)) <= FLT_EPSILON ? 1.f : 0.f;

    if( i < ntrain_samples )
        train_hr += r;
        test_hr += r;

after = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
duration_in_ms = 1000.0*(after - before)/getTickFrequency();
cout << "Prediction for all data completed after "<< duration_in_ms <<" ms...\n";
cout << "Average prediction time per sample is "<< duration_in_ms/nsamples_all <<" ms.\n";

test_hr /= nsamples_all - ntrain_samples;
train_hr = ntrain_samples > 0 ? train_hr/ntrain_samples : 1.;
/// Note: 0 training samples here will give 100 % training error

printf( "Recognition rate: train = %.2f%%, test = %.2f%%\n",
        train_hr*100., test_hr*100. );

if( !filename_to_save.empty() )
    model->save( filename_to_save );

Test run:

trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 11.1005 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 443715 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 6.33879 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

Training-auto (with normalization) didn't help out (a lot) either:

[root@cobalt MNIST]# gcv SVM_MNIST_Normalized.cpp -o SVM_MNIST_Normalized
[root@cobalt MNIST]# ./SVM_MNIST_Normalized 
trainData.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 2356.62 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 950690 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 13.5813 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 91.21%, test = 79.77%

OpenCV SVM weird (RBF) low test accuray at 10 % on MNIST

I tried to train OpenCV SVM on MNIST dataset and I got weird results, i.e. test accuray at 10 %. Any idea what went wrong? Thanks in advance.

Here are the parameters I used:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();



Testing: (from letter_recog.cpp sample)

 static void test_and_save_classifier(const Ptr<StatModel>& model,
                                 const Mat& data, const Mat& responses,
                                 int ntrain_samples, int rdelta,
                                 const string& filename_to_save)
int i, nsamples_all = data.rows;
double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;

// compute prediction error on 
// train data[0 , ..., ntrain_samples-1]; and 
// test data[0 , ..., nsamples_all-1]

before = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());

for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
    Mat sample = data.row(i);

    // The method is used to predict the response for a new sample. 
    // In case of a classification, the method returns the class label.        

    float r = model->predict( sample );  /// sample is the row feature vector

    // Tally correct classifications
    // +1 if prediction is correct
    // +0 if prediction is wrong 
    r = std::abs(r + rdelta -<int>(i)) <= FLT_EPSILON ? 1.f : 0.f;

    if( i < ntrain_samples )
        train_hr += r;
        test_hr += r;

after = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
duration_in_ms = 1000.0*(after - before)/getTickFrequency();
cout << "Prediction for all data completed after "<< duration_in_ms <<" ms...\n";
cout << "Average prediction time per sample is "<< duration_in_ms/nsamples_all <<" ms.\n";

test_hr /= nsamples_all - ntrain_samples;
train_hr = ntrain_samples > 0 ? train_hr/ntrain_samples : 1.;
/// Note: 0 training samples here will give 100 % training error

printf( "Recognition rate: train = %.2f%%, test = %.2f%%\n",
        train_hr*100., test_hr*100. );

if( !filename_to_save.empty() )
    model->save( filename_to_save );

Test run:

trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 11.1005 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 443715 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 6.33879 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

Training-auto without feature vector normalization:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();
         model->trainAuto( tdata, 10 );

Result (10% accuracy):

      [root@cobalt MNIST]# gcv SVM_MNIST.cpp -o SVM_MNIST
      [root@cobalt MNIST]# ./SVM_MNIST 
      trainData.size() = 60000
      init done
      opengl support available
      trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
      trainVecLabels[0] = 5
      testData.size() = 10000
      testVecLabels.size() = 10000
      testVecLabels[0] = 7
      data.size() = [784 x 70000]
      responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
      Training the classifier ...

      Training completed after 3044.38 mins...
      Testing and saving ...
      Prediction for all data completed after 426744 ms...
      Average prediction time per sample is 6.09635 ms.
      Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

Training-auto (with feature vector normalization) didn't help out (a lot) either:either, but the accuracy is almost 80 %:

[root@cobalt MNIST]# gcv SVM_MNIST_Normalized.cpp -o SVM_MNIST_Normalized
[root@cobalt MNIST]# ./SVM_MNIST_Normalized 
trainData.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 2356.62 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 950690 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 13.5813 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 91.21%, test = 79.77%

OpenCV SVM (RBF) low test accuray accuracy at 10 % on MNIST

I tried to train OpenCV SVM on MNIST dataset and I got weird results, i.e. test accuray at 10 %. Any idea what went wrong? Thanks in advance.

Here are the parameters I used:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();



Testing: (from letter_recog.cpp sample)

 static void test_and_save_classifier(const Ptr<StatModel>& model,
                                 const Mat& data, const Mat& responses,
                                 int ntrain_samples, int rdelta,
                                 const string& filename_to_save)
int i, nsamples_all = data.rows;
double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;

// compute prediction error on 
// train data[0 , ..., ntrain_samples-1]; and 
// test data[0 , ..., nsamples_all-1]

before = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());

for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
    Mat sample = data.row(i);

    // The method is used to predict the response for a new sample. 
    // In case of a classification, the method returns the class label.        

    float r = model->predict( sample );  /// sample is the row feature vector

    // Tally correct classifications
    // +1 if prediction is correct
    // +0 if prediction is wrong 
    r = std::abs(r + rdelta -<int>(i)) <= FLT_EPSILON ? 1.f : 0.f;

    if( i < ntrain_samples )
        train_hr += r;
        test_hr += r;

after = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
duration_in_ms = 1000.0*(after - before)/getTickFrequency();
cout << "Prediction for all data completed after "<< duration_in_ms <<" ms...\n";
cout << "Average prediction time per sample is "<< duration_in_ms/nsamples_all <<" ms.\n";

test_hr /= nsamples_all - ntrain_samples;
train_hr = ntrain_samples > 0 ? train_hr/ntrain_samples : 1.;
/// Note: 0 training samples here will give 100 % training error

printf( "Recognition rate: train = %.2f%%, test = %.2f%%\n",
        train_hr*100., test_hr*100. );

if( !filename_to_save.empty() )
    model->save( filename_to_save );

Test run:

trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 11.1005 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 443715 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 6.33879 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

Training-auto without feature vector normalization:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();
         model->trainAuto( tdata, 10 );

Result (10% accuracy):

      [root@cobalt MNIST]# gcv SVM_MNIST.cpp -o SVM_MNIST
      [root@cobalt MNIST]# ./SVM_MNIST 
      trainData.size() = 60000
      init done
      opengl support available
      trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
      trainVecLabels[0] = 5
      testData.size() = 10000
      testVecLabels.size() = 10000
      testVecLabels[0] = 7
      data.size() = [784 x 70000]
      responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
      Training the classifier ...

      Training completed after 3044.38 mins...
      Testing and saving ...
      Prediction for all data completed after 426744 ms...
      Average prediction time per sample is 6.09635 ms.
      Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

Training-auto (with feature vector normalization) didn't help out (a lot) either, but the accuracy is almost 80 %:

[root@cobalt MNIST]# gcv SVM_MNIST_Normalized.cpp -o SVM_MNIST_Normalized
[root@cobalt MNIST]# ./SVM_MNIST_Normalized 
trainData.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 2356.62 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 950690 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 13.5813 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 91.21%, test = 79.77%

OpenCV SVM (RBF) low test accuracy at 10 % on MNIST

I tried to train OpenCV SVM on MNIST dataset and I got weird results, i.e. test accuray accuracy at 10 %. Any idea what went wrong? Thanks in advance.

Here are the parameters I used:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();



Testing: (from letter_recog.cpp sample)

 static void test_and_save_classifier(const Ptr<StatModel>& model,
                                 const Mat& data, const Mat& responses,
                                 int ntrain_samples, int rdelta,
                                 const string& filename_to_save)
int i, nsamples_all = data.rows;
double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;

// compute prediction error on 
// train data[0 , ..., ntrain_samples-1]; and 
// test data[0 , ..., nsamples_all-1]

before = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());

for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
    Mat sample = data.row(i);

    // The method is used to predict the response for a new sample. 
    // In case of a classification, the method returns the class label.        

    float r = model->predict( sample );  /// sample is the row feature vector

    // Tally correct classifications
    // +1 if prediction is correct
    // +0 if prediction is wrong 
    r = std::abs(r + rdelta -<int>(i)) <= FLT_EPSILON ? 1.f : 0.f;

    if( i < ntrain_samples )
        train_hr += r;
        test_hr += r;

after = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
duration_in_ms = 1000.0*(after - before)/getTickFrequency();
cout << "Prediction for all data completed after "<< duration_in_ms <<" ms...\n";
cout << "Average prediction time per sample is "<< duration_in_ms/nsamples_all <<" ms.\n";

test_hr /= nsamples_all - ntrain_samples;
train_hr = ntrain_samples > 0 ? train_hr/ntrain_samples : 1.;
/// Note: 0 training samples here will give 100 % training error

printf( "Recognition rate: train = %.2f%%, test = %.2f%%\n",
        train_hr*100., test_hr*100. );

if( !filename_to_save.empty() )
    model->save( filename_to_save );

Test run:

trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 11.1005 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 443715 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 6.33879 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

Training-auto without feature vector normalization:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();
         model->trainAuto( tdata, 10 );

Result (10% accuracy):

      [root@cobalt MNIST]# gcv SVM_MNIST.cpp -o SVM_MNIST
      [root@cobalt MNIST]# ./SVM_MNIST 
      trainData.size() = 60000
      init done
      opengl support available
      trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
      trainVecLabels[0] = 5
      testData.size() = 10000
      testVecLabels.size() = 10000
      testVecLabels[0] = 7
      data.size() = [784 x 70000]
      responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
      Training the classifier ...

      Training completed after 3044.38 mins...
      Testing and saving ...
      Prediction for all data completed after 426744 ms...
      Average prediction time per sample is 6.09635 ms.
      Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

Training-auto (with feature vector normalization) didn't help out (a lot) either, but the accuracy is almost 80 %:

[root@cobalt MNIST]# gcv SVM_MNIST_Normalized.cpp -o SVM_MNIST_Normalized
[root@cobalt MNIST]# ./SVM_MNIST_Normalized 
trainData.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 2356.62 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 950690 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 13.5813 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 91.21%, test = 79.77%

OpenCV SVM (RBF) low test accuracy at 10 % on MNIST

I tried to train OpenCV SVM on MNIST dataset and I got weird results, i.e. test accuracy at 10 %. Any idea what went wrong? Thanks in advance.

Here are the parameters I used:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();



Testing: (from letter_recog.cpp sample)

 static void test_and_save_classifier(const Ptr<StatModel>& model,
                                 const Mat& data, const Mat& responses,
                                 int ntrain_samples, int rdelta,
                                 const string& filename_to_save)
int i, nsamples_all = data.rows;
double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;

// compute prediction error on 
// train data[0 , ..., ntrain_samples-1]; and 
// test data[0 , ..., nsamples_all-1]

before = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());

for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
    Mat sample = data.row(i);

    // The method is used to predict the response for a new sample. 
    // In case of a classification, the method returns the class label.        

    float r = model->predict( sample );  /// sample is the row feature vector

    // Tally correct classifications
    // +1 if prediction is correct
    // +0 if prediction is wrong 
    r = std::abs(r + rdelta -<int>(i)) <= FLT_EPSILON ? 1.f : 0.f;

    if( i < ntrain_samples )
        train_hr += r;
        test_hr += r;

after = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
duration_in_ms = 1000.0*(after - before)/getTickFrequency();
cout << "Prediction for all data completed after "<< duration_in_ms <<" ms...\n";
cout << "Average prediction time per sample is "<< duration_in_ms/nsamples_all <<" ms.\n";

test_hr /= nsamples_all - ntrain_samples;
train_hr = ntrain_samples > 0 ? train_hr/ntrain_samples : 1.;
/// Note: 0 training samples here will give 100 % training error

printf( "Recognition rate: train = %.2f%%, test = %.2f%%\n",
        train_hr*100., test_hr*100. );

if( !filename_to_save.empty() )
    model->save( filename_to_save );

Test run:

trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 11.1005 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 443715 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 6.33879 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

Training-auto without feature vector normalization:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();
         model->trainAuto( tdata, 10 );

Result (10% accuracy):

      [root@cobalt MNIST]# gcv SVM_MNIST.cpp -o SVM_MNIST
      [root@cobalt MNIST]# ./SVM_MNIST 
      trainData.size() = 60000
      init done
      opengl support available
      trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
      trainVecLabels[0] = 5
      testData.size() = 10000
      testVecLabels.size() = 10000
      testVecLabels[0] = 7
      data.size() = [784 x 70000]
      responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
      Training the classifier ...

      Training completed after 3044.38 mins...
      Testing and saving ...
      Prediction for all data completed after 426744 ms...
      Average prediction time per sample is 6.09635 ms.
      Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

Training-auto (with feature vector normalization) didn't help out (a lot) either, but raised the accuracy is almost 80 %:%!

[root@cobalt MNIST]# gcv SVM_MNIST_Normalized.cpp -o SVM_MNIST_Normalized
[root@cobalt MNIST]# ./SVM_MNIST_Normalized 
trainData.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 2356.62 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 950690 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 13.5813 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 91.21%, test = 79.77%

OpenCV SVM (RBF) low test accuracy at 10 % on MNIST

I tried to train OpenCV SVM on MNIST dataset and I got weird results, i.e. test accuracy at 10 %. Any idea what went wrong? Thanks in advance.

Here are the parameters I used:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();



Testing: (from letter_recog.cpp sample)

 static void test_and_save_classifier(const Ptr<StatModel>& model,
                                 const Mat& data, const Mat& responses,
                                 int ntrain_samples, int rdelta,
                                 const string& filename_to_save)
int i, nsamples_all = data.rows;
double train_hr = 0, test_hr = 0;

// compute prediction error on 
// train data[0 , ..., ntrain_samples-1]; and 
// test data[0 , ..., nsamples_all-1]

before = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());

for( i = 0; i < nsamples_all; i++ )
    Mat sample = data.row(i);

    // The method is used to predict the response for a new sample. 
    // In case of a classification, the method returns the class label.        

    float r = model->predict( sample );  /// sample is the row feature vector

    // Tally correct classifications
    // +1 if prediction is correct
    // +0 if prediction is wrong 
    r = std::abs(r + rdelta -<int>(i)) <= FLT_EPSILON ? 1.f : 0.f;

    if( i < ntrain_samples )
        train_hr += r;
        test_hr += r;

after = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
duration_in_ms = 1000.0*(after - before)/getTickFrequency();
cout << "Prediction for all data completed after "<< duration_in_ms <<" ms...\n";
cout << "Average prediction time per sample is "<< duration_in_ms/nsamples_all <<" ms.\n";

test_hr /= nsamples_all - ntrain_samples;
train_hr = ntrain_samples > 0 ? train_hr/ntrain_samples : 1.;
/// Note: 0 training samples here will give 100 % training error

printf( "Recognition rate: train = %.2f%%, test = %.2f%%\n",
        train_hr*100., test_hr*100. );

if( !filename_to_save.empty() )
    model->save( filename_to_save );

Test run:

trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 11.1005 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 443715 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 6.33879 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

Training-auto without feature vector normalization:

Ptr<SVM> model = SVM::create();
         model->trainAuto( tdata, 10 );

Result (10% accuracy):

      [root@cobalt MNIST]# gcv SVM_MNIST.cpp -o SVM_MNIST
      [root@cobalt MNIST]# ./SVM_MNIST 
      trainData.size() = 60000
      init done
      opengl support available
      trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
      trainVecLabels[0] = 5
      testData.size() = 10000
      testVecLabels.size() = 10000
      testVecLabels[0] = 7
      data.size() = [784 x 70000]
      responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
      Training the classifier ...

      Training completed after 3044.38 mins...
      Testing and saving ...
      Prediction for all data completed after 426744 ms...
      Average prediction time per sample is 6.09635 ms.
      Recognition rate: train = 24.92%, test = 10.09%

Training-auto (with feature vector normalization) raised the accuracy is to almost 80 %!

[root@cobalt MNIST]# gcv SVM_MNIST_Normalized.cpp -o SVM_MNIST_Normalized
[root@cobalt MNIST]# ./SVM_MNIST_Normalized 
trainData.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels.size() = 60000
trainVecLabels[0] = 5
testData.size() = 10000
testVecLabels.size() = 10000
testVecLabels[0] = 7
data.size() = [784 x 70000]
responses.size() = [1 x 70000]
Training the classifier ...
Training completed after 2356.62 mins...
Testing and saving ...
Prediction for all data completed after 950690 ms...
Average prediction time per sample is 13.5813 ms.
Recognition rate: train = 91.21%, test = 79.77%