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Problem understanding the code of SE detector

Problem I am trying to understand and hence improve the function predictEdges of structured edge detector from the ximgproc module of opencv_conrib . I have understood the "Structured forests for fast edge detection" paper on the same topic. I know that the function predictEdges pedicts the edges from the information available in the learnt "model" using some ensemble model of the output of various decision trees. But I don't know what each loop of the function is doing ?

Please explain the detectEdges, if possible ..

Also as from my experiments it appears that this implementation of SE detector takes at least 2 seconds for processing each image which may be slow for real time algorithms. So please suggest any improvement if possible


Problem understanding the code of SE detector

Problem I am trying to understand and hence improve the function predictEdges of structured edge detector from the ximgproc module of opencv_conrib . I have understood the "Structured forests for fast edge detection" paper on the same topic. I know that the function predictEdges pedicts the edges from the information available in the learnt "model" using some ensemble model of the output of various decision trees. But I don't know what each loop of the function is doing ?

Please explain the detectEdges, predictEdges, if possible ..

Also as from my experiments it appears that this implementation of SE detector takes at least 2 seconds for processing each image which may be slow for real time algorithms. So please suggest any improvement if possible


One approach I am trying is to use openMP parallel for loop, It is almost reducing the runtime to half , but this is not a fundamental optimization. I am looking for other conceptual optimizations even at the cost of accuracy .

void predictEdges(const NChannelsMat &features, cv::Mat &dst) const
    int shrink = __rf.options.shrinkNumber;
    int rfs = __rf.options.regFeatureSmoothingRadius;
    int sfs = __rf.options.ssFeatureSmoothingRadius;

    int nTreesEval = __rf.options.numberOfTreesToEvaluate;
    int nTrees = __rf.options.numberOfTrees;
    int nTreesNodes = __rf.numberOfTreeNodes;

    const int nchannels = features.channels();
    int pSize  = __rf.options.patchSize;

    int nFeatures = CV_SQR(pSize/shrink)*nchannels;
    int outNum = __rf.options.numberOfOutputChannels;

    int stride = __rf.options.stride;
    int ipSize = __rf.options.patchInnerSize;
    int gridSize = __rf.options.selfsimilarityGridSize;

    const int height = cvCeil( double(features.rows*shrink - pSize) / stride );
    const int width  = cvCeil( double(features.cols*shrink - pSize) / stride );
    // image size in patches with overlapping


    NChannelsMat regFeatures = imsmooth(features, cvRound(rfs / float(shrink)));
    NChannelsMat  ssFeatures = imsmooth(features, cvRound(sfs / float(shrink)));

    NChannelsMat indexes(height, width, CV_MAKETYPE(DataType<int>::type, nTreesEval));

    std::vector <int> offsetI(/**/ CV_SQR(pSize/shrink)*nchannels, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < CV_SQR(pSize/shrink)*nchannels; ++i)
        int z = i / CV_SQR(pSize/shrink);
        int y = ( i % CV_SQR(pSize/shrink) )/(pSize/shrink);
        int x = ( i % CV_SQR(pSize/shrink) )%(pSize/shrink);

        offsetI[i] = x*features.cols*nchannels + y*nchannels + z;
    // lookup table for mapping linear index to offsets

    std::vector <int> offsetE(/**/ CV_SQR(ipSize)*outNum, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < CV_SQR(ipSize)*outNum; ++i)
        int z = i / CV_SQR(ipSize);
        int y = ( i % CV_SQR(ipSize) )/ipSize;
        int x = ( i % CV_SQR(ipSize) )%ipSize;

        offsetE[i] = x*dst.cols*outNum + y*outNum + z;
    // lookup table for mapping linear index to offsets

    std::vector <int> offsetX( CV_SQR(gridSize)*(CV_SQR(gridSize) - 1)/2 * nchannels, 0);
    std::vector <int> offsetY( CV_SQR(gridSize)*(CV_SQR(gridSize) - 1)/2 * nchannels, 0);

    int hc = cvRound( (pSize/shrink) / (2.0*gridSize) );
    // half of cell
    std::vector <int> gridPositions;
    for(int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++)
        gridPositions.push_back( int( (i+1)*(pSize/shrink + 2*hc - 1)/(gridSize + 1.0) - hc + 0.5f ) );

    for (int i = 0, n = 0; i < CV_SQR(gridSize)*nchannels; ++i)
        for (int j = (i%CV_SQR(gridSize)) + 1; j < CV_SQR(gridSize); ++j, ++n)
            int z = i / CV_SQR(gridSize);

            int x1 = gridPositions[i%CV_SQR(gridSize)%gridSize];
            int y1 = gridPositions[i%CV_SQR(gridSize)/gridSize];

            int x2 = gridPositions[j%gridSize];
            int y2 = gridPositions[j/gridSize];

            offsetX[n] = x1*features.cols*nchannels + y1*nchannels + z;
            offsetY[n] = x2*features.cols*nchannels + y2*nchannels + z;
        // lookup tables for mapping linear index to offset pairs

    for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
        float *regFeaturesPtr = regFeatures.ptr<float>(i*stride/shrink);
        float  *ssFeaturesPtr = ssFeatures.ptr<float>(i*stride/shrink);

        int *indexPtr = indexes.ptr<int>(i);

        for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < width; ++k, j += !(k %= nTreesEval))
            // for j,k in [0;width)x[0;nTreesEval)
            int baseNode = ( ((i + j)%(2*nTreesEval) + k)%nTrees )*nTreesNodes;
            int currentNode = baseNode;
            // select root node of the tree to evaluate

            int offset = (j*stride/shrink)*nchannels;
            while ( __rf.childs[currentNode] != 0 )
                int currentId = __rf.featureIds[currentNode];
                float currentFeature;

                if (currentId >= nFeatures)
                    int xIndex = offsetX[currentId - nFeatures];
                    float A = ssFeaturesPtr[offset + xIndex];

                    int yIndex = offsetY[currentId - nFeatures];
                    float B = ssFeaturesPtr[offset + yIndex];

                    currentFeature = A - B;
                    currentFeature = regFeaturesPtr[offset + offsetI[currentId]];

                // compare feature to threshold and move left or right accordingly
                if (currentFeature < __rf.thresholds[currentNode])
                    currentNode = baseNode + __rf.childs[currentNode] - 1;
                    currentNode = baseNode + __rf.childs[currentNode];

            indexPtr[j*nTreesEval + k] = currentNode;

    NChannelsMat dstM(dst.size(),
        CV_MAKETYPE(DataType<float>::type, outNum));

    float step = 2.0f * CV_SQR(stride) / CV_SQR(ipSize) / nTreesEval;
    for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
        int *pIndex = indexes.ptr<int>(i);
        float *pDst = dstM.ptr<float>(i*stride);

            for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < width; ++k, j += !(k %= nTreesEval))
            {// for j,k in [0;width)x[0;nTreesEval)

                int currentNode = pIndex[j*nTreesEval + k];

                int start  = __rf.edgeBoundaries[currentNode];
                int finish = __rf.edgeBoundaries[currentNode + 1];

                if (start == finish)

                int offset = j*stride*outNum;
                for (int p = start; p < finish; ++p)
                    pDst[offset + offsetE[__rf.edgeBins[p]]] += step;

    cv::reduce( dstM.reshape(1, int( ) ), dstM, 2, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
    imsmooth( dstM.reshape(1, dst.rows), 1 ).copyTo(dst);

Problem understanding the code of SE detector

Problem I am trying to understand and hence improve the function predictEdges of structured edge detector from the ximgproc module of opencv_conrib . I have understood the "Structured forests for fast edge detection" paper on the same topic. I know that the function predictEdges pedicts the edges from the information available in the learnt "model" using some ensemble model of the output of various decision trees. But I don't know what each loop of the function is doing ?

Please explain the predictEdges, if possible ..

Also as from my experiments it appears that this implementation of SE detector takes at least 2 seconds for processing each image which may be slow for real time algorithms. So please suggest any improvement if possible


One approach I am trying is to use openMP parallel for loop, It is almost reducing the runtime to half , but this is not a fundamental optimization. I am looking for other conceptual optimizations even at the cost of accuracy .

void predictEdges(const NChannelsMat &features, cv::Mat &dst) const
    int shrink = __rf.options.shrinkNumber;
    int rfs = __rf.options.regFeatureSmoothingRadius;
    int sfs = __rf.options.ssFeatureSmoothingRadius;

    int nTreesEval = __rf.options.numberOfTreesToEvaluate;
    int nTrees = __rf.options.numberOfTrees;
    int nTreesNodes = __rf.numberOfTreeNodes;

    const int nchannels = features.channels();
    int pSize  = __rf.options.patchSize;

    int nFeatures = CV_SQR(pSize/shrink)*nchannels;
    int outNum = __rf.options.numberOfOutputChannels;

    int stride = __rf.options.stride;
    int ipSize = __rf.options.patchInnerSize;
    int gridSize = __rf.options.selfsimilarityGridSize;

    const int height = cvCeil( double(features.rows*shrink - pSize) / stride );
    const int width  = cvCeil( double(features.cols*shrink - pSize) / stride );
    // image size in patches with overlapping


    NChannelsMat regFeatures = imsmooth(features, cvRound(rfs / float(shrink)));
    NChannelsMat  ssFeatures = imsmooth(features, cvRound(sfs / float(shrink)));

    NChannelsMat indexes(height, width, CV_MAKETYPE(DataType<int>::type, nTreesEval));

    std::vector <int> offsetI(/**/ CV_SQR(pSize/shrink)*nchannels, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < CV_SQR(pSize/shrink)*nchannels; ++i)
        int z = i / CV_SQR(pSize/shrink);
        int y = ( i % CV_SQR(pSize/shrink) )/(pSize/shrink);
        int x = ( i % CV_SQR(pSize/shrink) )%(pSize/shrink);

        offsetI[i] = x*features.cols*nchannels + y*nchannels + z;
    // lookup table for mapping linear index to offsets

    std::vector <int> offsetE(/**/ CV_SQR(ipSize)*outNum, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < CV_SQR(ipSize)*outNum; ++i)
        int z = i / CV_SQR(ipSize);
        int y = ( i % CV_SQR(ipSize) )/ipSize;
        int x = ( i % CV_SQR(ipSize) )%ipSize;

        offsetE[i] = x*dst.cols*outNum + y*outNum + z;
    // lookup table for mapping linear index to offsets

    std::vector <int> offsetX( CV_SQR(gridSize)*(CV_SQR(gridSize) - 1)/2 * nchannels, 0);
    std::vector <int> offsetY( CV_SQR(gridSize)*(CV_SQR(gridSize) - 1)/2 * nchannels, 0);

    int hc = cvRound( (pSize/shrink) / (2.0*gridSize) );
    // half of cell
    std::vector <int> gridPositions;
    for(int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++)
        gridPositions.push_back( int( (i+1)*(pSize/shrink + 2*hc - 1)/(gridSize + 1.0) - hc + 0.5f ) );

    for (int i = 0, n = 0; i < CV_SQR(gridSize)*nchannels; ++i)
        for (int j = (i%CV_SQR(gridSize)) + 1; j < CV_SQR(gridSize); ++j, ++n)
            int z = i / CV_SQR(gridSize);

            int x1 = gridPositions[i%CV_SQR(gridSize)%gridSize];
            int y1 = gridPositions[i%CV_SQR(gridSize)/gridSize];

            int x2 = gridPositions[j%gridSize];
            int y2 = gridPositions[j/gridSize];

            offsetX[n] = x1*features.cols*nchannels + y1*nchannels + z;
            offsetY[n] = x2*features.cols*nchannels + y2*nchannels + z;
        // lookup tables for mapping linear index to offset pairs

    for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
        float *regFeaturesPtr = regFeatures.ptr<float>(i*stride/shrink);
        float  *ssFeaturesPtr = ssFeatures.ptr<float>(i*stride/shrink);

        int *indexPtr = indexes.ptr<int>(i);

        for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < width; ++k, j += !(k %= nTreesEval))
            // for j,k in [0;width)x[0;nTreesEval)
            int baseNode = ( ((i + j)%(2*nTreesEval) + k)%nTrees )*nTreesNodes;
            int currentNode = baseNode;
            // select root node of the tree to evaluate

            int offset = (j*stride/shrink)*nchannels;
            while ( __rf.childs[currentNode] != 0 )
                int currentId = __rf.featureIds[currentNode];
                float currentFeature;

                if (currentId >= nFeatures)
                    int xIndex = offsetX[currentId - nFeatures];
                    float A = ssFeaturesPtr[offset + xIndex];

                    int yIndex = offsetY[currentId - nFeatures];
                    float B = ssFeaturesPtr[offset + yIndex];

                    currentFeature = A - B;
                    currentFeature = regFeaturesPtr[offset + offsetI[currentId]];

                // compare feature to threshold and move left or right accordingly
                if (currentFeature < __rf.thresholds[currentNode])
                    currentNode = baseNode + __rf.childs[currentNode] - 1;
                    currentNode = baseNode + __rf.childs[currentNode];

            indexPtr[j*nTreesEval + k] = currentNode;

    NChannelsMat dstM(dst.size(),
        CV_MAKETYPE(DataType<float>::type, outNum));

    float step = 2.0f * CV_SQR(stride) / CV_SQR(ipSize) / nTreesEval;
    for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
        int *pIndex = indexes.ptr<int>(i);
        float *pDst = dstM.ptr<float>(i*stride);

            for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < width; ++k, j += !(k %= nTreesEval))
            {// for j,k in [0;width)x[0;nTreesEval)

                int currentNode = pIndex[j*nTreesEval + k];

                int start  = __rf.edgeBoundaries[currentNode];
                int finish = __rf.edgeBoundaries[currentNode + 1];

                if (start == finish)

                int offset = j*stride*outNum;
                for (int p = start; p < finish; ++p)
                    pDst[offset + offsetE[__rf.edgeBins[p]]] += step;

    cv::reduce( dstM.reshape(1, int( ) ), dstM, 2, CV_REDUCE_SUM);
    imsmooth( dstM.reshape(1, dst.rows), 1 ).copyTo(dst);