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extractor.compute clears keypoints

If I run any one of the descriptor extractors, it clears the keypoints and returns no descriptors.

Even this simple test case:

                   cv::Mat descriptorsTest;
            std:vector<cv::KeyPoint> tester;
            cv::KeyPoint test;
   = 232;
   = 132;

            OrbDescriptorExtractor extractor;                                      //tester.size = 1;
            extractor.compute(img1, tester, descriptorsTest);               //tester.size = 0;

As I step through, tester fills up so that its size is 1. As soon as the extractor.compute runs, the size goes to 0.

Why is this happening?

extractor.compute clears keypoints

If I run any one of the descriptor extractors, it clears the keypoints and returns no descriptors.

Even this simple test case:

  cv::Mat descriptorsTest;
            std:vector<cv::KeyPoint> tester;
            cv::KeyPoint test;
   = 232;
   = 132;

            OrbDescriptorExtractor extractor;                                //tester.size = 1;
            extractor.compute(img1, tester, descriptorsTest);        //tester.size = 0;

As I step through, tester fills up so that its size is 1. As soon as the extractor.compute runs, the size goes to 0.

Why is this happening?